Chapter 16

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I look through the window out at the big city of London. The muffled sounds of sirens, music, and cars. Just general street sounds. My hand covered my mouth as I stared at nothing, my vision becoming blurry with tears once again.

It had happened.

I didn't think they'd find me, but they did. My mom and her new boyfriend. Yep, that's right. New boyfriend, Mr. Hood.

I sighed and swallowed the lump in my throat. My breathing uneasy and quivery. Loud voices were heard outside the room that I was alone in. Then the door opens.

"Reina Adrielle Moritz, I was so worried about you." my mother barges in, hysterically yelling at me while sobbing. I wasn't crying. I wasn't running into her arms. I was doing just fine without her and she still treats my like a child.

I dont speak, I don't even look at her. "You're coming home with me back home. Back where you belong." he tugs on my arm but I pull away.

"No, mum. I'm not. I'm not coming with you." I say, getting up from the chair.

Perhaps you're wondering how we got here. I wonder that myself at times. Luke was arrested and they took me to the police and found my parents. I hadn't known that since Luke got a job at the place, his name was automatically registered online and therefore, the investigators found his location and arrested him for kidnapping me. My parents were stupid to think that Luke kidnapped me. I left them a note, they just wanted Luke arrested and away from me.

What they didn't understand was that Luke wasn't a bad kid. They didn't know him, especially like I did. Like he let me see. I have no idea where he is now, I don't know what to do anymore. Is Luke going to jail? Is he going back home with his parents? I didn't know and most importantly, I felt like I wasn't even alive. Like it was all some kind of dream.

My words were few, my movements slow, and my thought were plenty. People would talk to but I nevered talked back. They were all my enemies as far I was concerned.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as my mother stood before me with her wide eyed expression and her mouth open. "Reina...where's my baby?" she said, barely above a whisper. Her eyes filled with tears. A sting filled my chest and I came to a realization. Where was her baby? What happened to the talkative, laughing Reina that loved her mother more than anyone. The little girl who laughed at her mother's jokes and was so innocent. What happened to that Reina? What me?

I looked over the past couple of months and how much that boy next door changed me. I always told myself that I'd never change who I was for a boy, and now look at what I've become. Something that I couldn't forgive was how my mum had lied to me and didn't allow me any freedom. I was caught and I was trying to grow up, and when I had the chance, I sprung up faster than I should have.

"Where is Luke?" I ask her, my voice shaky.

She shakes her head. "I...I don't know, Reina. He's not important."

"He is important! He was my life until you came and ruined it! I was just fine without you, Mum. I was happy for once in my entire life because someone actually loved me for me. Not you! You loved the little girl Reina, and when she tried to grow up, you pushed her back down to the ground again. I'm not your baby. I am an adult!" I yell at her. I don't care if anyone hears me.

"You are just a child! You're only sixteen." she replies.

"Oh yeah? And what were you when you were sixteen? Partying? Having sex? Oh yeah! You were fucking pregnant! I am none of those things. I'm not making your stupid mistakes, and you still rip away everything from me. Everything that I love...including my own father." I say, turning around.

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