Chapter 3

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School seemed to drag on the rest of the day. Mum came and picked me up as always. She didn't like me riding the bus.

I get home and throw my stuff on the floor and fall on my bed. Today was such a weird day. Of course, it was just like any other day, but it felt weird having Luke there.

I've had small crushes on boys before, everyone has, but I've never had the feelings for any boy like I have with Luke. Maybe it was too soon to say, but I did know that I had to keep it from Mum. I already felt bad for liking him already. I know she would be disapointed in me.

I still wasn't hungry so I decided to read until I became tired and went to bed early. I didn't hear Luke playing by the window tonight, and my hopes fell. Maybe he had fallen asleep or he was busy.

A few hours later, I was awoken by loud yelling. It was coming from the Hemmings.

I couldn't make out much of what they were saying. I heard a crash and then a pop. It sounded like a slap, coming from Luke's bedroom.

"Now, clean this damn room up and go to bed!" I couldn't get up. Not now. I knew that Liz had slapped Luke, it was obvious. What had he done?


Luke walked into school with a slight bruise on his cheek bone, under his eye. As he walked past me, I whispered his name. He turned around and faced me. "I know what happened last night." I said, sympatheticly.

" do?" he asked with surprise.

"Well, I don't know what happened. I just know that...she slapped you." I looked into his eyes. He sniffed and looked down. "Yeah, she was drinking again." he responded.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm fine, ok?" he spat at me, before walking off. Oh.

Olivia walked to class with Ashton, so I walked by myself.

The day went as it did yesterday, but this time, I sat with Luke right away. We didn't talk at all, we just sat there in silence, eaing our food. What did Luke see me as? A friend? Just a neighbor, perhaps?

As I started to leave, I got a text from my mum saying that she'd be at work late and that she couldn't pick me up. It wasn't far to walk home, but I know I'd much rather ride in the car home. That wasn't going to happen, though.

I look up from my phone and I start to hear shouting. I follow the noise quickly and I see a few guys surrounding something...or someone. It's him.

He lies on the ground and they kick at his sides. How has no one seen this? "Get off! Stop it! You're hurting him!" I shout, trying to get past them. One of the boys pushes me away. "Stay out of it, will you? Dumb bi-"

"Hey!" a loud voice interupts his rude remark. "You heard her! Leave him alone." it's Ashton. Thank goodness. They start to leave, when one of them spits in Luke's face. He closes his eyes and wipes it off with the sleeve. I get on his level. "Luke..." I whisper.

His lip is busted and bleeding. "Where's your mum?" I ask. He shaked his head.

"She went to pick up my dad from the airport." he responds.

"Then, you're coming home with me." I say bravely. My mum wasn't home, but I still felt a bit uneasy about it. He hesitated before nodding. We exit the school and walk to my house.

When we get inside, I tell Luke to go sit at the kitchen table while I get some ice and the box of medicines on the top cabinet. As I scury around the kitchen, I feel Luke watching me. I turn to look at him and he looks down.

I sit down with him at the table and hold the ice in my hand. "Take of your shirt," I say. His eyes nearly pop out of his head. "What?" he questions.

"You heard me. I need to see your stomach." I say. He sighs and takes off his shirt. He then wraps his arms around his body, trying to cover himself.

"Let me see." I demand. His arms slowly fall to his lap. A few bruises cover his sides and stomach. I cringe at the sight and place the ice on them. "Ah." he whimpers.

"It's ok." I say, soothingly. I skoot closer and look at his face. His blue eyes look directly in mine. "You don't have to do this." he whispers.

"I know." I whisper back. I place some eyes on the bruise under his cheek bone from the night before. "Tell me what happened." It sounds more like a question.

"One of them..." he stops. "He said you were an uptight virgin who's own dad didn't even want her." I gasp. It hurt so bad. I held back the tears in my eyes. I wasn't going to cry. Not in front of Luke. "And what did you do?" I ask, with my eyes closed.

"I...I punched him." he said. "Then, his buddies came over and helped him fight." he whispered. I looked at his busted lip.

I grabbed a wet cloth and rubbed it along his lower lip. This was the closest I had ever been to a guy. I set the cloth aside and held his face in my hands. I could feel his breath against my face. I swept my thumb along his bottom lip. "Does it still hurt?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"Reina?" he gets a bit closer.

"Yes, Luke, what do you need?" I say.

"I just wanted to say thank you." he said softly. My hands still held his face.

Then, he quickly pressed his lips against my own. This wasn't happening. My heart raced as our lips moved together. I pulled away. "This is wrong. This is..." I let go of his face and get up quickly. He just kissed me.

"Luke, you have to go."


Ok so I know its short but a lot happened lol. I hope I didn't rush it too much. But aw poor baby :( What do you think?

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