Ash:No I'm just bored that's all

Arceus:Well your not going to be ,Tada!!

Arceus showed Ash a flyer that got Ash attention and slowly take it and read it.

Ash:"Prof.Oak Summer Camp Welcoming all kids who want to be a trainer learning all the basic of becoming a pokemon trainer"

Arceus:So do you want to go sweety?

Ash:Hmmm its fine,I go sounds fun!!

Arceus:That's great,So be ready to pack your things tomorrow

Ash:Okay mom,oh wait what about Pikachu?

Arceus:Well the flyer said that kids can't bring their own pokemon so--

Ash:Its fine,I know Pikachu will understand.

Tomorrow morning

Pikachu:You going without me!!

Ash:Ouch Come on Pikachu not so loud!!

Pikachu:why I'm being left alone,I wanna come too!!

Arceus:Sorry Pikachu,but The camp will not allowed you

Pikachu:Why?,why the world so cruel!!!!!!

Ash:Come on Pikachu,don't be so dramatic,I'm just gone for about one week,its not that to long and beside mom is with me

Pikachu:(sigh)okay I understand, just bring some gifts when you return got it!!

Ash:Okay I bring you some gifts just stop being like a kid!!

Ash already have his bag complete with emergency supplies and Camping gear.

Ash: Okay we heading out now,Aunt Raichu don't let Pikachu go inside my room!!

Raichu:Don't worry Ash

Pikachu:Bring me some Ketchups Ash okay?

Ash:What? I'm camping not shopping Pikachu,anyway See you guys in a week.

Arceus and Ash Teleported into a forest near Pallet Town.

Arceus:We here!!

Ash:Finally my first Time in a camp with fellow humans


In Pallet Town

Grace:Serena come on,We going to be late for your camp

Serena:Coming mom!!

Introduction time

Hello readers I'm Serena 7 years old,me and my mom is on a summer vacation here in Kanto.Mom signed me to camp near here organized by a famous professor.

Serena:Mom are you sure you not coming with me in the camp?

Grace:Serena I'm just gonna take you there,I'm not allowed to accompany you in the actual camp activities

Serena:Really?,I don't want to be alone!!

Grace:Serena I signed you into that camp because I want you to make friends while we staying here in Kanto

Serena:Okay I understand,I think!!

Eventually they reach Prof.Oak Summer camp where many parents and their kids is already there.

Grace:Okay Serena this is far as I can go,so behave yourself okay,don't cause some trouble

Serena:I won't Mom,See you in one week!!

Serena mom left returning back to their  home while Serena is nervously entered the camp.

Serena:(Wow there are many people here and the same age as me).

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