[3]Island Visitor

Start from the beginning

Ash:Trespass?,mysterious pokemon?

Pikachu:Oh yeah I heard about those rumors,they said that pokemon is like weird looking

Ash:what is it look like?

Pikachu:I don't know they didn't finish the story!!

Machamp:Alright enough with the chatter,just go and grab those berries before the sun goes down got that or your mother is going to kill me if you didn't come back here

Ash:Don't worry,I have Pikachu to protect right buddy?

Pikachu:Leave it to me Ash,My power is just as great as Zapdos so no one can beat me!!

Ash:you mean just as strong as a Dedenne hahaha!!

Pikachu:what did you just say to me Ash?

Ash:Nothing come on let's get going!!

Then Ash and Pikachu head out to the mountains to pick those berries as quickly as possible.

Pikachu:Hey Ash,what do you think about that mysterious pokemon they talking about?

Ash:No idea,maybe we might encountered it later

Pikachu:I hope not

They nearly at the top of the mountain when they heard a cry from a pokemon.

Pikachu:Ash did you hear that?

Ash:Yup loud and clear, I think its over there come on!!

Ash and Pikachu headed to where they heard the cry is from.
As they arrived both of them saw saw a Metallic pokemon who look like it's injured or something.

Ash:Woah what pokemon are you?

Pikachu:Your not definitely from around here,where did you came from?

Magearna:I accidentally fall from my friend Volcanion when we headed to another region.The winds is too strong for him so he lost control of his flight and cause me to fall down here!!

Ash:Oh I get it now!!

Pikachu:About What Ash?

Ash:You see Pikachu,Mom created a powerful strong winds that always blew away any flying Pokemons or planes who came near this island.

Pikachu:Oh I get now,so where's your friend Volcanion now?,did you see him by any chance!!

Magearna:No I haven't seen him since I came down to this island.

Ash:Well maybe because of the forcefield Mom put up when she created this island,no one can came to this island without breaking through to that barrier.

Magearna:Oh no,Then how he will get in?

Ash:I don't know maybe mom can help,that's right mom,Magearna come with us and we take you to meet my mom

Magearna:Your mom?,a human? Why?

Pikachu:Oh just wait and see!!

Ash:Oh wait we still need to pick those berries for Machamp,Pikachu can you those berries while I take Magearna to Mom alright!

Pikachu:Ehhhhh No fair

Pikachu just lazily go ahead to pick those berries while Ash lead Magearna to his home.

20 minutes later

Ash and Magearna finally reached to the mansion while Pikachu is carrying the berries in a basket and head towards Machamp hut.

Ash:Mom I'm home!!

Arceus:Glad you came home early!,Oh where's Pikachu?

Ash:Well we kinda separate for now because I ask him to deliver the berries that Machamp instructed us to get in top of the mountains.

Arceus:Really!!,That Machamp I scold him for putting my Ash into a dangerous job!!

Ash:Mom not now,I actually bring a guest here,she wanted your help!!

Arceus:Oh really!,then let her in,I excited to meet her!!

Ash:Okay!!,Magearna you can come in now!!

Magearna hesitate to opened the door when she did Magearna nervously came in front us.

Magearna:Um--- I need your help Mam,you see I accidentally fall from my friend back an into this island.

Arceus:Hmmm I see,then your friend can't get inside because of the forcefield I put up.

Magearna:Yeah,so can you help me?

Arceus:Well I can't put barrier down for obvious reason but I can teleport you outside the barrier,how's does that sound?

Magearna:That would be great,thank you!!

Arceus:So Ash I'm going out a bit,make sure to tell Pikachu what happened okay!!

Ash:Yeah Mom,So Magearna hope too see you again

Magearna:Yeah so see you again Ash,thank you for your help

Ash:No worries,good luck!!

As Ash says his goodbye to Magearna Arceus transformed into her original form that cause Magearna to gasp that Ash mother is the legendary Arceus.

Arceus:We heading out now

Ash:Bye Magearna!!

Mom quickly teleported the two of them and that the last time I saw Magearna.

Pikachu:Hey Ash Where's Magearna?

Ash:Oh hey pal,sorry they just left!


[So guys did you like this chapter,well this is more where that came from so keep tuning to this story bye].

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