[2]New Island Home

Start from the beginning

Pidgeot:Poor child,if wouldn't for you my mistress this child might not make it.

Arceus:Yeah,So I spent a year taking of Ash,playing with him,feeding him,taking a bath together,it was fun.

Pidgeot:I never saw you my Mistress this happy,I'm gladly risk my life for your son my mistress.

Arceus:Thank you Pidgeot,that means a lot from you!!

As Pidgeot returned to his flock in a nearby tree,many pokemon are already gathered to hear her announcement.

Arceus:Everyone thank you for gathering here in a short notice,I have a wonderful announcement for all of you,let me introduced to you all my son Ash!!

Every pokemon gasped as they see Arceus holding a Human child.

Caterpie:A human?

Ekans:a human child,I never seen one before?

Ninetales:Awww its so cute!!

Arceus:I like you all to meet my son and became friends with him when he grow up,I like him to become a greatest pokemon trainer of them all.

Togetic:Milady we do our best,we going to take good care of him.

Arceus:Thanks for understanding my fellow Pokémon,please be good to him much like he was a pokemon too.

After Arceus introducing her son to the natives,she immediately teleported inside the mansion and place exhausted Ash inside his crib.


Arceus:You must be exhausted my little one,stay here I make you some food to feed you okay!!

Arceus kiss Ash forehead and then headed to the kitchen to make food for her son.

Arceus:Alright,a dash of Oran Berry then Pecha berry for flavor,okay then shake it perfectly while dancing

Arceus started to dance while shaking Ash bottle,after that she Headed towards Ash room and feed him until he's full.

Ash:(bourp)Mama!! Mama!!

Arceus:Ash you're so cute when you bourp like that,so cute!!

After feeding her son,Arceus came down to the living room with Ash in her arm and turned on the television to watch some shows.

Arceus:Even though I hate humans,I never hated the shows they showing in the television,it always calm me down,right sweety?

Ash:Tele? Tele!! Tele!!

Ash tired to speak the whole word causing Arceus to pick him up and carefully tickles him in his belly.

Arceus:So adorable Ash!!.okay try "I Love Mommy" come on sweety!!

Ash just tilted his head and crawl to his toys and begun playing with it while Arceus pout wanting to hear her son say "I Love Mommy".

Arceus:Ohh Ash always excited to his toys

As Ash happily playing with his toys,Arceus is few meters away from him watching television.For every 2 minutes she check on her son,who still playing with his toys.

Arceus:Ash sweety don't play so much okay!!

Ash didn't understand what his mother told him and continue playing.

As the two of them enjoying their time together,the door bell ring means that they have a visitor.

Arceus:Who could that be!!,(ding dong) I'm coming ,come on let's meet our visitor

Arceus pick up her son and head to the front door,she opened it revealing a Raichu and a Pichu together in the door way.

Arceus:Oh Raichu,How's it been?

Raichu:Hello milady,I came to visit you and your son!!

Arceus:Of course come in,come in you are more than welcome here!!

Arceus lead the pokemon into the living room where Arceus put Ash back to play with his toys.

Raichu:So Your son is human huh!,I never thought of you adopted a human, its unlikely of you!!

Arceus:Well Ash did it to me,My son change me when the two us meet,I feel that the two of us is destined to meet each other you know!!

Raichu:I kinda understand you now

As the two of them talk about mother and baby stuff,Raichu and Arceus didn't notice that their child's is playing together happily.


Ash just tilted his head and gently patted Pichu head causing the tiny mouse pokemon to smile happily realizing that he made a new friend.

Arceus:Oh!!, look at them,aren't they adorable together?

Raichu:Awww you're right,they became best of friend.

The two mother happily watch their sons play together all night until the two child's fall asleep.

Arceus put Ash in his crib carefully while Raichu also put Pichu next to Ash,so they sleep together through the night.

Arceus:Raichu I think,I let you and your son live here with my son,so they can grow up together as best friends do you think so?

Raichu:Thank you we gladly accept with our heart.

[This were Ash and Pikachu meet each other and became best of friends,so keep tuning guys].

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