Arceus is visible right now and heard everything what they said.

Arceus:(that human has a child and its inside of a nearby cave,I need to get there fast before one of his men did).

Arceus immediately teleported into the entrance of the cave and heard a crying child inside it.

Arceus:(that must be her child!!)

Arceus immediately came inside the cave and found a cute human child crying inside of a basket.

Arceus:(This child is so cute,I never seen a human child before because mostly I avoided but now seeing this adorable child in front of me, makes me want to keep it for myself and raise it as my own).

Arceus transformed into a human form that look like the child mother and carried the child into her arms and teleported away from this place.

Arceus teleported into the Hall of Origins where she lived and created a room for her new child to take care of.

Arceus:There!!,You soo adorable,Oh right you must be hungry,okay wait here I get you something to feed you.

The child is still crying from hunger when Arceus came with a Oran flavored milk that she make for him.

Arceus feed the child and sing a lullaby to get it to sleep.

1 year later

Arceus became attached to her human child and didn't want to bring him back to his real parent who knows where they are but Arceus didn't care.

Arceus:Awww so cute!!, come here Little one come on!!

Arceus is in her human form and playing with her adopted son.

Ash:Mama!! Mama!!

The human child said as it crawl towards Arceus who shocked from her son said to her.

Arceus:Oh my!!my son spoke his first words, oh my oh my,I gotta record this!!

Arceus immediately teleported a video camera into her hand and immediately started filming her son.

Arceus:Alright sweety Come to Mama!!

Ash immediately crawl to his mother and while trying to get near her Ash called his mother.

Ash:Mama!! Mama!!

Arceus immediately nosebleed when she saw her son cute face when he called for her.

Arceus:So Cute!!,Come here baby let mommy carry you!!

Eventually Ash reached his mother and Arceus carried her exhausted son into her arms and put him to sleep.

Arceus:Oh Ash,your so adorable when you asleep,I promise that I will never abandoned you.

Arceus finish her daily work in the Hall of Origins and head yo her son room where she saw her son sleeping peacefully in his crib then Arceus kiss Ash forehead and said.

Arceus:Ash I'm just heading out for a bit okay,mommy will be back soon.

Arceus exited her son room and teleported Regice,Regirock and Registeel to guard her son room from anyone except her.

Arceus:You three guard this room with your life,got that!!

Regirock:Understood Lord Arceus,but what inside this room?

Arceus:Nothing that concern you,Alright I'm going now

Arceus headed to throne room and check out everything in the world below that might causing a problem.

Arceus:Okay finish nothing horrible happened in the world below,its time to create a place for my son to grow up peacefully without harm.

Arceus transformed back to her original form and teleported to a remote place near Kalos and created an island with a visible forcefield,that the island can't be seen from the outside of the forcefield then Arceus Created Mansion complete with human furnitures and other human stuffs that she seen in the human world.she also created a training area for his son to train when he grow up.

Arceus:Okay that should do it!!,oh wait a little adjustment

Arceus then added some spikes rocks and whirlpools around the island so no one can get inside the island.

Arceus:All done!,time to introduced my son to our new home.

(Did like my new Story guys, this story is kinda the improve version of the Arceus Son but without Ash transforming into a pokemon or anything like that alright).

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