Mage Camp

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Finally the day had come. It had been a month since Stevno's visit.

A mixture of excitement and fear swirled in Jason's stomach.

He looked out the window, anxiously waiting got that black Lexus to pull up.

Suddenly Jason heard the sound of an engine.

It's Stevno! He thought. But it was just an old car cruising through the streets. This happened five times before Stevno finally showed up. Stevno held the door open and Jason hopped in. The car drove off, whisking him away into a world of magic and war.


Suddenly, the car came to a halt. Jason hopped out. He looked around in awe.

"Welcome... to Mage Camp."

Jason took a moment to soak in his surroundings. He was in a forest. Trees towered over him, from all sides. Some looked blackened and burnt. Some had water poring out from holes in the bark. Other trees looked looked like they had been lifted straight out of the ground. There was a bundle of trees that looked like there tops had been blown off.

"What happened to the trees?" Jason asked.

"The burnt trees are from Fire Mages playing around.The waterlogged trees are from when the Water Mages almost flooded the whole camp. The uprooted trees are arrows for the Earth Mages, and the trees that have their tops blown off, are the Air Mages attempt at harvesting the trees." Stevno replied.

"What type of Mage am I?

"You Jason, your a special case. Most Mages can only control one element,
But you, you can control all four. Your an Element Mage. One only appears every thousand years."

"But how?"

"Your father was a very powerful Mage. When he married another Mage, you came out very powerful."

"Ok... Wait back up! My mom was a Mage?

"Believe it or not she was. She just thought it better not to tell you until you were older. Now let's stop with this useless chatter, lets go inside!

So Jason walked forward, unsure of what to expect.

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