Chapter 4

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"Oh crap!"

Thinking quickly,I needed to change the topic on to something else,just to distract him from this sympathetic topic were having.

"Sympathetic!",Ha!  I don't think so."He said with a smirk on his face.

"How did you know I said that,in my head!"I said in shock and a little bit of anger.

"Uhhh...isn't it obvious?"He said cocking his head to the side and his fist supporting his head.

" it isn't?"I said intimidating his voice.

"Huh ,I guess you really are a stupid werewolf."He said again with that stupid smirk off his.

"Excuse me Mr.Lewis?"l said clearly in complete utter shock and getting angry.

"I'm a vampire fool,well King to be exact."He said.

At this point,I did not know what to do,either run out of this room screaming vampire or stay in this room and fight him.

My brain felt like a bunch of fireworks were exploding and my throat feeling like it's trying so hard to swallow the large lump in my throat right now and my mouth trying to close it self up before a fly go straight in there and my heart was beating impossible faster than it does.

I then started to hyperventilate.

Carter must of seen me because he came to help me sit down on one of the chairs.

"You okay now?"He asked with a little hint of worry hidden in his eyes.

I was clearly out of breath to answer him right now so I just nodded my head for him in response.

"I'm sorry,should of known this would of happen."He said apologizing to me.

Once I mustered up all of the strength and breath I had I finally answered him back.

"It's okay."I said reassuring him.
"I mean,I've always wanted a mate and I just never knew it of been a vampire king."I said to him.

"Me too,I thought my mate would of been a vampire or human,but never had I ever imagine it would of been an gorgeous werewolf.

I smiled when he called me gorgeous,never had I ever been called gorgeous before by a man,well expect my dad,my brother and Dylan who were all werewolves but being called one by a vampire king especially my mate,just felt so different,so heartwarming.

"Thanks.",was what I said.

"Your welcome."He said giving me a heartwarming smile.

"Hey it's lunch time wanna go grab a bite with me,we could get to know each other a little bit more."He said raising his eyebrows at me.

Without thinking I said...


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