Everyone was laughing " You cried!" Dally said loudly his face red from laughing " Shut up" I hid my face in embarrassment " awe Gloria " Sam teased ruffling my hair I looked up grinning wildly " Sam remember that time... " Sam face went Pale he quickly covered my mouth " Don't you dare Gloria Everett!" He knew what I was gonna say " Let her tell us!" Two said trying pulls Sam off me , I shoved sam off me " Basically one day we had baby sit one of the gangs little sister." Sam was pulling against Darry trying get out the lock Darry had on him so he wouldn't stop the story " I walked on Sam sitting on a tiny plastic chair, with a princess dress that didn't even go passed his mid torso with fairy wings on and a little crown on having a tea party with a 5 year old!" I said trying not laugh " No way!" Pony said laughing , Sam glared at me " On this is on Hun" he said sarcastically.
We spent the rest of the day telling embarrassing stories or stories in general,
" Hey gloria remember how you got your nickname ?" I shook my head I didn't even know I had one" Did I even had one?" Sam smiled resting his chin on his hand " yea ... Everyone was calling you Devils Child even the Rich kids" I raised an eyebrow " Devils child?" I question sitting forward so my elbows rested on my knees " Yea , everyone called you dad 'The Devil' and your mum 'She Devil' cause of their reputation " " what were Glorias parents like?" Steve said leaning against the couch " scary, Toughest Greasers I ever knew, Everyone feared them even the police If they heard 'The Devil' and 'She Devil' were involved in a crime the fuzz either Ignored it in fear or sent a small army of fuzz" sam looked at me I felt proud to call them my parents I smirked " What they do?" Dally asked , The gang would of gotten along with my folks " Everything, I remember when Dan told me he was having a kid I thought he was joking, I mean this was my best friend toughest greaser who always had a heater even used it, he was a proper hood not the guy you'd want mess with I remember when a Soc said a nasty comment about Gloria when she was 4 , Your Dad lost it and the Soc hit the floor cold" I could see sam eyes shine I bit the inner of my cheek " hit the floor cold?" Pony questioned guess they didn't quite get it " He killed him" I said proudly I know want live up to their title I want be The devil. " How long your staying?" I asked sam standing up stretching " just two days, I have gotta go back Chicago see my babygirl" I stopped wait he Sam has a child , sam realised what he said " YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER!" I squealed hugging him " yea remember Phoebe, she the mom" he grinned, Phoebe and sam were the high school sweet hearts according to dad " good on you man" Darry patted sam back, " how old you?" Soda asked " I'm 27" Sam said rubbing the back of his neck " Man no way you look 19" Johnny said shocked.

We all shared more stories till everyone had go home and go bed, I was sharing a bed with Johnny since Sam kicked me out my own Bed and I wasn't sleeping on the couch thanks to Steve dropping cake and two spilling his beer all over it " You okay Johnnycakes?" I asked stroking his hair he just hummed in reply " Gloria, Can I get a hug" he asked nervously I let out a small chuckle " don't need ask" I wrapped my arm around Johnny pulling him into a hug his back was facing me " thanks" It was dark but I could see Johnny smile soon I fell asleep hugging Johnny.

I was currently cooking breakfast Darry phoned an hour ago saying the guys practically begged for me cook breakfast after Johnny and Dally telling them how good it was. I was just putting breakfast down when I lifted up into the air " Saaaammm" I complained " Can't help it if I miss my little side-kick" he laughed his voice husky from sleep "  Jesus get dressed The boys coming over breakfast " I demanded pointing a fork at him he laughed putting his hands up in surrender walking backwards out the kitchen and up stairs, Just then the boys walked in " Honey Im Hooooome" I heard two shout Johnny came into the kitchen with a blanket around Johnny was not a morning person and neither was I but I was staring get used to it he looked grumpy and it was adorable " Awwe hello there mr Grumpy" soda teased Johnny , we all sat down Johnny sitting on my left Sam on my right, Dally beside Johnny, pony, Soda , Steve, Darry , And then Two " This is good"Steve said stuffing it all into this mouth.

Sam had go out and meet an old friend so it was me and the Gang we were having a competition , we were seeing who could do the most push-ups . It was me , Darry and soda left. me and darry used to push-ups cause both of us work out I haven't done any workouts recently, Soda just had lots of energy " guys come on it's been like an hour" Two whined as he did soda caved in and just laid panting on the floor now it was just me and Darry I looked at darry and smirked " Look at muscle man go" Steve cheered I couldn't stop glancing at Darry mainly because of the muscles " Ooo Gloria you struggling there?" Pony teased " N-nope" I said out of breath Its been 5 minutes later and I couldn't do anymore I stopped and slumped down to the ground " You win" I mumbled Darry stood up like it was nothing his shirt was showing every muscle I was practically drooling over them " Stop being a pervert " Dally scolded hitting me in back of head " was not" I glared " we all saw you " soda smiled " can't help it not my fault Darry best in shape" I stood up Sam been gone for hours now he's probably drinking I chuckled at the thought of a drunk sam " Arm wrestling!" Steve shouted then instantly starting arm wrestle match with sodaI heard  the phone ring,  I answered " Hello Gloria Everett here" I said it was the doctor voice " Gloria come hospital Sam he's... He's dying" I hung up " Be back" I shouted running out the door and down to the hospital.

I rushed into the hospital the nurse escorted me into Sam room, he was even more pale his face was bruised and cut up his torso was all bandaged up the side was covered in blood " Sam!" I quickly sat beside him he opened his eyes "hey honey" he smiled his voice dry " what happened " My eyes started to water " Rich kids jumped me " he let out a grunt as he moved to the side of the bed patting the space beside hid , I sat beside him " I know Im dying Gloria" he looked heartbroken I brought him into a hug my face buried into his neck " Don't say that, You all I have left as family " I sobbed " Family?" He let out a deep breath " you're like a brother to me sam" I sat up looking at him " Gloria.. when I said I was gonna see my baby girl, Well couple weeks ago me and Phoebes house caught fire " a tear rolled down his cheek " I couldn't save Her! I'm supposed be a father and I couldn't protect my Daughter!" His voice broke " Her funeral was two days ago" he brought me into a hug we both laid crying " Sam, please tell me what the Soc looked like " I begged " Blonde hair lots rings blue mustang " he rubbed my back " Gloria I remembered the day I met you.. you were only nine months old , You know what I did when I saw you?" He smiled looking at me I shook my head " I cried, I was so happy for your man my best friend was a dad, You were so small and cute " I started cry again " Honey don't cry, remember this is how life goes" he hushed me " Life's cruel" I took in a sharp breath " I know it is honey, Can you do me a favour ?" He asked his eyes were bloodshot "anything " I tried smile " be strong okay? Be proud of who you are.. I know one day you'll be like your parents but better I know the baby girl I met at nine months old is gonna grow up into a beautiful woman" he smiled " Who makes Soc piss themselves " he joked we both let out a small Laugh I watched sam get paler and more tired I brought him into another Big hug I laid there and so did he " I love you Sam I'm gonna miss you , Ill miss my big brother " I bawled Sam eyes widened a little " Big brother?" He stuttered I nodded he cried again " I love you too Ima miss you too little sis" he hugged me. I heard and felt him take his last breath his body was already going cold his arms were no longer hugging me , I stood up looking at him he had his eyes closed he wore a  smile " Ima miss you so much Sam" I stood there looking at his lifeless body I heard when people die they look peaceful, I always thought it was a lie I've seen many greaser die from being Jumped or die in a rumble they didn't die happy they died in pain with hatred of the world ... but sam he died with a smile he looked peaceful.
I started remembering everything me and sam did together how he took me out for my first drink he taught me how smoke , Sam taught me lots he always told me look on the bright side , Sam was broken as the rest of us I started crying again.

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