Dad of course got coffee while I got orange juice. Hey, I'm not a coffee person. I'm not gonna cheer over getting a gift card to go to Starbucks. I'll use it but I won't be squealing. Not really a coffee fan. Not saying I hate it though.

"Your mom would like it here." I heard dad murmer and I glanced at him to see him staring down at his coffee.

Drama alert.

"Uhhh hey look a plane." I said pointing out the window and dad turned look out quickly making me snicker as he turned to glare at me.

"There was no airplane out there ya liar." he said slanting his eyes and I shrugged grinning as he chuckled.

This is why I love dad. Yes, he can be gullible. Act like a child but he's fun. I do know he's a good guy and cares. Isn't that all that matters?

I drank half of my orange juice before our food was brought to us. My stomach grumbled as soon as those flapjacks were placed in front of us. My mouth watered at the strawberry sauce over it mixed with syrup, the whip cream and let's not forget the strawberry on top. I grabbed my fork quickly and dug right in. I had toast with butter and eggs to eat also. They forgot my bacon but it was cool I was already full after all that. Dad paid and left a tip then we were on our way.

As dad drove us to the grocery story which he was listening to the GPS meaning we might get taken to a grocery store that's been shut down for years. But hey, all for the adventure. I finally got on Featherbook to check the app out. It seemed I had to make an account first.

Email? ....Don't Stalk or Spam me
Username? CyberGeek
Password? ........
Gender? Male
Image? Uhhhh I don't exactly want people to know what I look like.

I went on Google and looked up some anime then other pictures. Stayed on Piccacu pictures for a while. But then I finally found a pic I think that would be fine.

 But then I finally found a pic I think that would be fine

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Good enough for me. I picked like ten books off to have in my library and wala I was all set. One of the books I put on my library was called Heart Of Gold. I figured maybe it was a sappy romance or a tragic romance. Probably would be the only romantic book I'd have on my library because love hasn't came to me. No liking people in the like like way and no crushes.

The reason for that was because I was pretty much homeschooled which I mentioned before I believe. It was only family I really met and most weren't my age so meant no real friends. Neighbors sometimes had kids but I would usually be force to do lots of homework so no little crushes or friends barely there too.

But maybe I could make friends on here. If that's even possible. I clicked on Heart Of Gold. The first chapter so say or however you called it turned out to be a poem. It was really good. I kept scrolling down reading all this person wrote in this book. Sometimes it was quotes, songs/lyrics, speeches, and even advice. The person have credit to the person when it wasn't something he made up which I gave the person props for that. I saw that you could comment on the book but all I did was vote. I didn't want to be social just yet. The person probably wouldn't answer, they must be busy or have other better things to do. But as soon as I went back to vote and turned off my phone it soon vibrated.

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