"Boy what is that droid paying you with?" Circuits asked and Vent laughed at Eights.

"He more or less threatened me." Eights said and I laughed.

"That's Chopper for you." I said. "What happened here?" I asked Hera gesturing to the farm.

"Thrawn came to get Sabine and he made quiet a piece of art getting her." Hera said.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked since I didn't see any rebellion soldiers around from the command ship.

"A transport came and picked up some of them, a few dozen died when Thrawn attacked we all stayed here to help get supplies that didn't burn." Hera told me.

"Ok." I said, watching the sky. "He's coming to Lothal right." I asked Circuits.

"Yep." He said.

"Ok." I said and all of us continued to dig though the rubble to pass the time, not a lot survived the fire, we mainly found protein pack and most of the supplies we brought over from the command ship were destroyed.

"I think we'll just camp here." Hera said. "I don't think we'll find anything more."

"Ok." Zeb said as we all walked over to Hera.

"It's getting dark, we'll have to move to shelter." She said as I saw the sun start to set.

"We can camp out on the ship we brought." I offered.

"Good plan Ezra, now everyone grab as much as you can. Is it that ship?" She said pointing to the ship a couple of hundred yards away.

"Yes." I said and grabbed a few crates and we starting walking.

"Did you disable the tracking on the ship?" Hera asked as I opened the door and all 7 of us got on board.

"Of course we did." I said flashing back to the dramatic yelling of Circuits and Vent did to 'encourage' me to get it down.

"Good." She said as we loaded on the crates and the three ex-troopers went to the common area of the ship and began to caught up.

"No I'm not making waffles." Eights told a beeping Chopper.

"How can he eat waffles anyway?" Vent asked.

"He doesn't he throws them at you." Eights said and the three of them continued to talk and laugh.

"I'm going to get some fresh air." Hera told me and Zeb. "You boys want to come?"

"I'm going to go take a nap. It's been a long day, wake me when Sabine arrives." He said and walked to one of the bunks.

"Ok, I'll come." I told Hera. "I need to clear my head anyway."

"Come on then." She said and we walked off the ship and she closed the door.

We walked a few yards from the ship and Hera sat down and I sat beside her.

"So much has happened." I said laying down in the grass.

"That's true." She said laying down beside me.

"I'm sorry for everything thing Hera, you're like a mother to me and I can't believe I did all of those things to you, to the rebellion."

"I forgive you Ezra and you're like the son I've never had."

"What about Zeb?" I joked.

"He's more like my grumpy older son." She said and I laughed.

"I miss Kanan."

"I do too Ezra, I miss him so much. We had our share of adventures before I picked up you, Zeb or Sabine."

"I bet that's true, can I ask you something Hera?"


"Did you love Kanan, like romantically?"

"Not at first, but he grew on me."

"I kind of get it but to be truthful I kind of flirted with Sabine from the start."

She smiled.

"I know this sounds shadow but when I first liked her it was only because she was pretty but now she is such an amazing person she could be a Bantha for all I care."

"I know."

We laid there in silence until I heard a hum of an engine start to get closer.

"She's here." I said getting up, as Hera got up too.

We saw the ship land a little ways away and I could sense Sabine in there.

We went over to the ship and the ramp lowered and two people walked out. One was Mouse and the other one was Sabine I knew it, I felt it but it didn't look like Sabine this woman was looked five years older. I hesitated for a moment then I ran into her arms.

"Tell me you have the reverse serum." I said.

"I do." She whispered in my ear and we hugged as Lothal's moons rose giving us light.

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