Letter One

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Yes, yet another fic. I just finished up In My Head. Now I'm working with ashleyo4231 on a fic called Made With Love on her account. This story is based off a manga called Orange, I've only read like the first 20 pages so I'm making up my own ending.

(Cas' POV)

I woke up late on the first day of school. That was the beginning of my unlucky streak.

I got dressed in record time, brushing my teeth and not even bothering with my hair.

"Castiel! Check the mail before you leave!" I heard my mother yell to me from the kitchen.

I tripped over my shoelaces while running out the door.

That was strike two.

I gathered all my things, leaving a bit of my self confidence on the ground, and made my way to the mailbox.

There was only one letter inside, and it was addressed to me. That's weird. I never get letters. And there was. No return address, well that's great.

I stuffed the letter into my bag and ran to the bus stop. Hopefully it hadn't left yet.

On the bus ride to school I considered reading the letter, then a football douche sat behind me and I thought better of it.

Then in math class my curiosity got the best of me.

Mr. What's his face was droning on about algebra, I can never remember his name, I slipped the letter out of my bag.

As quietly as possible I opened the envelope.

Dear Castiel Novak,

You're seventeen right? Hopefully you are. I'm just going to cut to the chase and say hi, I'm you ten years from now.

You probably think I'm a nut job, but I have proof.

A boy named Dean Winchester is going to walk through that door, he's new. Brown hair, green eyes, freckles, and he'll be wearing a brown leather jacket.

I looked up to see Mr. Whoever introducing a new student.

Brown hair, green eyes, brown leather jacket. Oh my god.

Believe me now?

He's going to sit next to you. Don't scare him off.

Dean Winchester took a seat next to me, as he got closer I could see the freckles.

What the hell is happening?

He's going to call you Cas, don't be weird about it.

Dean turned to me. "Hi I'm Dean," he whispered.

"Castiel," I said back.

"Mind if I call you Cas?"

I gulped, "Not at all."

The point is Cas. I need you to fix my mistakes, I messed up bad. So I need it all to begin again.

You need to do exactly as I say, or you'll end up like me. And trust me you don't want to.

I know you're confused but I can only tell you one thing, these letters revolve around Dean Winchester.

Befriend him, he'll invite you over. Say yes. He has a brother named Sam, be nice to him.

Follow my directions until you turn eighteen, then everything will be as it should.

I know I'm being cryptic as fuck, I'm sorry I know you don't like swearing, get over it.

But follow my directions and you'll be happy, I'm trying helping you.


Cas W.


Cas W? What? Did I take someone else's last name? Oh my god is he married?

Why do I refer to him as 'him' I mean, he is me.

My head is spinning, I think I'm going to throw up.

I got out of my chair and, well I passed out on the floor. The letter was safely tucked in my pocket.

When I woke up I was in a different room.

"Hey! Cas are you alright?"

I sat up in a little health room cot, I guess I somehow got to the health room.

I groaned and rubbed my head, then I saw him.


He smiled, showing teeth, "Yeah, you just fell out of your chair and passed out. Guess math isn't your subject huh?"

I smiled weakly, remember the words of the letter.

These letters revolve around Dean Winchester.

"Um, how did I get here?"

Dean pressed his lips together then opened his mouth, "I uh, I carried you."

I blushed, oh my god he carried me. He's freaking strong!

"Hey you know you're weirdly light for a eleventh grader?"

I shrugged, "Uh, thanks I guess?"

"So Cas, you basically missed all of math, so you want to come over to my house and I'll catch you up?"

He'll invite you over. Say yes.

"Um, sure thanks."

Dean told me to look for a black Chevy Impala after school and he'd give me a ride home after. 

I thanked him and he left.

A health took nurse came over and checked on me, then she let me leave.

I just couldn't get this one thing out of my head.

Cas W.

I was married.

Heyyy how's that for a first chapter? It's 800 words! I think you can all guess what the W. is 😈


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