10. Didn't Lose Your Charm

Start from the beginning

She suddenly feels so selfish, remembering that Minho had known Newt for so much longer than her, and was probably much closer, since they experienced the Maze together.
"I'm sorry."

"Me too," Minho replies softly, wrapping Lori in a hug, allowing her to cry softly against his chest.

Minho and Lori didn't bother joining back in the conversation, just sat their keeping each other company as they wait for their cue to leave. In less than five minutes, Thomas is telling them they need to go, so they're on their feet following the other four down the sidewalk.


It feels like they have been walking forever, and the heat was definitely not making it any easier. They hadn't seen any signs of life so far, and Lori doubts that they will any time soon; the sounds they are hearing are too far away to have any chance of running into another person.

Brenda stopped in the middle of the path, looking up at the quickly darkening sky. "We'll have to wait till tomorrow."

Lori shakes her head. "No. There is no way we're stopping after what Janson said about Newt. He could be in danger!"

The girl sighs, a look in her eyes similar to one you would give a wounded puppy. "Look, we're not going to find transportation tonight and we're too far to walk. We need to sleep so we'll be fresh in the morning."

"There's gotta be a way to get out there," Minho states, clearly siding with Lori.

Jorge puts a hand on Minho's shoulder. "It's useless, hermano. The airport's at least ten miles from here. And by the looks of this town we'd get mugged or shot or beaten to death on the way. Brenda's tight - better to rest up and go help him tomorrow."

Minho and Lori don't say another word, aware that the others are right, but wanting to get to Newt as soon as possible.

"Are we close to our motel?" Thomas asks, redirecting the conversation.

Jorge lifts a hand, pointing left down the road. "Just a few blocks."

Everyone begins walking once more, no words escaping them.

Lori feels anger swirling in her gut, but she knows she can't be angry at them. They're thinking of the well-being of the entire group. But what about Newt's well-being?

Jorge stops when they;re fairly close to the motel, holding one hand up and using the other to put a finger to his lips as he looks at the group.

No one can hear anything. Nobody but Jorge, that is.

"What?" Minho whispers.

The man ignores Minho, slowly turning in a three-sixty degree motion, eyes scanning their surroundings.

Lori tries to calm her breathing and focus on any noise, but she just can't hear anything/

"What?" Minho whispers again.

This time, Jorge decides to answer him. "I keep thinking I hear something right behind us. Whispering. Anyone else-"

Before he can finish his question, Brenda shouts, "There! Did you see that?" They all follow her finger, pointing to the left of where they stand.


"Someone was just coming out from behind that building, then jumped back. I swear I saw it."

"Hey!" Minho shouts, breaking the silence that suffocates the area. "Who's over there?"

Lori's eyes go wide, shocked by her friends recklessness.

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