Chapter 5 - Water

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Chapter 5 - Water

Lena was rinsing shampoo out of her hair when she heard the bathroom door open. She tried to see who it was, though it was only her and Cú Chulainn in the house anyway. Once she opened her eyes, shampoo stung them immediately, so she snapped them shut from the pain and swore loudly.

"Cú Chulainn, is that you? Ow..." She rubbed at her eyes, and they still stung horribly.

"Mmm." He responded calmly.

The glass shower doors were frosted, but he could still see her naked silhouette and found himself stopped dead in his tracks as he stared. Her heart slowed when she heard his voice, but she was still confused.

"What are you doing then?" she hissed at him and swore again from the pain in her eyes.

"You were taking too long."

The sound of a zipper was almost deafening as she heard clothes fall to a heap on the ground, and she desperately rubbed at her eyes, willing them to stop stinging so she could open them and see what the hell was happening in her bathroom.

She could barely open them when the shower door opened, revealing Cú Chulainn's naked, albeit blurry, but naked form. It felt like she had no air in her lungs to use for the purpose of screaming, so she just tried to cover herself the best she could while he gently used his fingers to lift up her chin and look at her with concern.

"Are you okay? Your eyes are bloodshot. You haven't been crying, have you?" His hand cupped her face as she covered herself with her arms, but she was surprised at the care in his eyes.

"Just shampoo in my eyes; I'm fine." She dismissed his concern, but the reality of the situation hit her again, and she slapped his hand out of the way. "What the fuck are you doing in here?!" She screeched at him, loud enough for him to lean his head back and his eyes wide.

"I told you, you were taking too long." He gently moved her aside and stepped underneath the stream of water as Lena stood to the side, scowling at him with hellfire in her eyes that still stung.

Fortunately for him, she was distracted by his lean muscle, which rippled as he ran his hands through his hair, removed from its bonds and fell freely over his back. She knew he was cut and had seen him shirtless plenty of times before, but damn. Her eyes went further south, and she noticed his toned buttocks, and her eyes almost fell out of her head. He had long, muscular legs, and her gaze made its way back up his body just as he turned to face her and ended up staring straight at his private area. That she had not seen before.

Covering herself forgotten in the moment, her hands came to hide her reddened face. Her blush went all the way to her ears, and she could hear him begin to chuckle. Her brow knit together as she glared at him, trying to get him to leave her alone. He wasn't the least bit affected, and instead, he just winked at her and gave her that devilishly sexy smirk that she had come to enjoy seeing on his ridiculously handsome face. She shook her head to dispel her subconscious thoughts about what she should be doing with the man before her, but they decided to hang around since he was staying too.

"I'm good at using that spear, too, in case you were wondering."

Her mouth fell open, and her eyes were wider than saucers at his offhanded comment, and he grinned as she went red again. Usually, his comments weren't that...sexual. Instead of continuing to protest, which she knew he would ignore, she accepted her fate and his stubbornness along with it. She could not physically force him out; he was too strong for her, so she would tolerate it. She had seen him shirtless plenty of times since he found it rather enjoyable to watch her breath hitch in her throat as he stalked into a room, pants hanging low on his hips. But this was entirely different. It would only be more awkward if she fought and argued the matter. I may as well get it over with.

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