Chapter 26: He's Here

Start from the beginning

Woah... I never knew that... No one ever told me about that part.

A pigeon appeared and land on Ren's left shoulder. We all heard as it spoke about getting the girl to a safer place so that Ren could properly try to stabilize the child.

Though we were shocked that the pigeon could talk, we couldn't just let the guy leave.

"Wait!" Goku yelled as Ren pointed his device at us, "Hear me out! I think we can help that kid! Just tell us what is it that she has."

"You can't help her! Even the best doctors can't help my sister! They say the condition she has is untreatable!"

"Goku!" Piccolo turned his head to the saiyan, "This really is sounding like the girl has what you had. You should head back to your place and grab the remainder of your medicine. That way, we can bribe the kid into telling us all he knows about this mission of his, where Tania's sword may be, and who that kid said he was connected to."

"On it." Goku placed his fingers to his forehead and disappeared.

The rest of us watched Ren worry for his sister.

"Ren!" I called the boy's name, "We can give you something that can help your sister but in exchange you'll have to tell us everything we wanna know!"

My offer only received me the coldest glare I ever received in my life—one that outclassed ChiChi's when I'd do something wrong, one that I had received from Mrs. Cruze after knocking down all the gym equipment at the junior high I went to in my world, the glare I received from Mr. Crayer when I asked the question about the Shakespearean language in English, and all the cold glares I received from any villains I faced in the past.

I literally felt Ren's eyes tear through my soul. At that exact moment, I turned to stone.

 At that exact moment, I turned to stone

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Piccolo looked back at me.

"There's nothing to be afraid of; this guy isn't horrifying at all. I've seen more frightening eyes from Vegeta." He said.


Soon, Goku came back and held a bottle in his hand. When Ren's eyes directed back onto the saiyan, I took a breather and finally returned to normal. Man, I hadn't been so cared since that fight with Eternal and Cell.

"We really do come in peace, Ren." Gohan gently grabbed the bottle from Goku and approached the handsome teen, "This bottle in my hand could be the antidote your sister will need to cure her of that heart virus."

Ren's eyes widened at the mention of heart virus, "How'd you know she has that condition. Her, the doctors, and I are the only people who know about this!"

"He knows because I had that virus several years ago and had taken that medicine and lived." Goku walked forward, "That girl will live too if you giver her this antidote."

Lost Memories... Gohan's Forgotten True Love (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now