Chapter 2

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The next day you woke up and felt unusually relaxed? The bed you were sleeping in was so soft and warm you didn't even want to leave it. You pulled the duvet closer and hugged your pillow, you opened your eyes and looked at your beautiful small room it was so tidy and clean.
You opened your eyes again and stood up, that's not your room!! You walked around the room and passed a full body mirror and looked at your reflexion. You looked way younger, you looked like a 16 years old teenager.
You walked out of the room and walked around the hallway but stopped when you heard footsteps, you walked to a corridor and waited for the person to either walk away or walk to your direction. You were about to attack the person when you suddenly stopped when you saw that the person was Tony!!
"Tony" you said and walked to him
"Wha- "(Y/N)?" He asked "you look so young" he said
"I know but what happened?" You asked
"I have no idea but hey this came from an owl" he said and gave you a letter, it was from Hogwarts
"Tony this is from Hogwarts you better not be joking with me" you said with a glare.
"I did nothing to it and I got a letter from Hogwarts too" he said and held his letter which had " Hogwarts " written on it
"Tony what's going on?" You asked "where are the others? why am I young again? Are you even listening!!??" You asked as you watched Tony playing with his wand
"Hey I even have a wand" he said with an excited grin " what about you do you have a wand too or should we go and buy one?"
"I think that I have a wand somewhere because I look way older than a first year" you said and walked back to your room.
You sat on your bed and looked at the letter 'should I open it?' You asked yourself ' obviously it really from Hogwarts or is it just a prank or something?' You asked yourself again, you held the letter tighter and opened it ever so slowly to reveal what was inside it.
It ordinary Hogwarts letter and it said that you'll start your fifth year and you need some weird named books.
"Ok that wasn't so bad"
"Hey (Y/N) i'll be teaching history of magic in Hogwarts for the fifth year in a row!!" said Tony as he kicked your bedroom's door with his foot "come on let's go to daigon Ally and buy the books that you need along with a robe and we need to check our wands to make sure they're working properly" he said
"What about the money?" You asked
"I found some galleons in my room we'll use them now come on change and meet me downstairs" he said and ran out the room leaving you with your thoughts.

After changing you walked down the stairs to what looks like a living room and next to it was the kitchen and all the pots, cups, cooking utensiles and the dishes were flying and doing all the work on their own
"Ok let's go let's go let's go" said Tony as he grabbed your arm and dragged you to the front door he opened it pushed you out and locked it and started to walk
"Ok so what now?" You asked
"I found a paper that explained everything" he said "since i'm your cousin then i'm your guardian and hold tight" he said and you held his arm while he disappeared from this house and appeared in Diagon Ally "Ta da~ welcome to the wizarding market"
Everything was fascinating the shops were crowded, wizards and witches were everywhere students were buying their books and anything that they need while the first years were struggling to carry everything they had bought.
"Stop staring and let's go" he said "I wanna meet Harry Potter" he said and dragged you through the people to god knows where.

After buying a robe, books, a grey owl which you called "Aspen" and some feathers with some ink you walked to Ollivander's to check your wand. When you walked inside the magical shop and looked at the many wands with different length and some of them were on the floor
"Hello?" You called but instead of receiving a simple 'hello' a man came running to the front desk, his hear was a mess and he was breathing heavily, the man was Garrick Ollivander
"Uhm yes?" He asked
"I want to check if my wand is alright..." you said and put it on the front desk. He took it and held it so close to his face and looked at it from different angles.
.....very very....interesting" he said
"What's so 'interesting' in it?" You asked but he ignored you and walked around his shop still talking to himself
"This wand.......was not made here" he said "it has something....weird in it... Thestrals skin" he said
'Thestrals?? But most people can't even see them how did they make a wand out of it?' You wondered
"What are 'Thestrals?" You asked hoping to learn a new information
"They are horrible horrible creatures..." he said and gave you your wand back
'Well....that was very useless.....' you thought and turned around to leave the shop but stopped when he called you
"That wand.....that not normal....where did you find it?" He asked
"I bought it four years ago when I started my first year in Hogwarts" you said hoping that he won't ask more questions
"I remember every wand that I sold here and every face that came here but I don't remember you coming here or your wand" he said
"I bought it from a foreign shop while I was travelling" you said and opened the door " good day" you said and hurried outside.
Once you were out of the shop you saw Molly Weasley holding many letters in her hand and entered a shop, you being curious as ever followed her and opened the door and walked inside but the moment you were inside you saw nothing but darkness.
"What is this?" You whispered and turned to open the door but the handle wasn't there "what??!"you said and searched for it but to no avail "come on there must be a way out of here" You took your wand out and pointed it at the closed door
"What am I supposed to say 'Alohomora' won't possibly work oh this door there's no handle" you said and heard some voices coming from the end of the hallway, you recognised Harry's voice and Sirius's shouts at Kreacher to shut up. It means one thing.
You were in 12 Grimmauld place which is also known as The Order Of the Phoenix Headquarter.

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