Part 9: The Equipment

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"Alright, so how am I of some help?"

Asami: I met this guy not so long ago. He gave me some interesting equipment. Since my own guns didnt do much of the job, he came out of nowhere and gave it to me."

"Ok so what do we have"

Asami: First thing we have are these glasses. They have x-ray vision, so easy to see the enemy. He gave me a bracelet that works as a scanner and GPS. These headphones help me hear other people's conversation from a mile away. I just had to make sure its pointed at the person. The watch works as a tranquilizer."

First thing that caught my attention were the headphones. They were black and shiny with a red stripe going around them. Just under the left ear piece, Asami's name, in cursive was carved in hanwriting.

The bracelet was made out of a flexible rubber. What he didnt tell me that it was also a shocker. So any stranger that wears it other than Asami, KO. Asami laughed after.

Asami: See what happens when you don't listen

The Xray glasses were black. When you put it on, you automatically see where you are. Since we were in a hotel, I saw the all the rooms. Some empty and some not so empty. I could even see rooms from the other hotels!

The watch, was a very expensive watch. $ 23,000. Gold. But looked like any normal watched. When you take the watch off is just dangling, but stick it to a wall, and it turns into a metal string. The watch itself turns into a harness with just the press of a button. So what do you get when you combined them? SUPAH SPY! but not just any spy, SUPAH DANGLING SPY!

After looking at all the equipment, Asami took out his phone. He pressed a button and a holographic map showed. Whats more cool, you can touch the map!

Asami: Ok. This is the map of the place Akihito is in. Put the glasses on.

With the glasses on, I was some how inside the map. Like I can see everything. Asami then explained to me, that he had put a camera on Akihito. A tiny one, the size of a button hole.

Asami: What you are seeing is what Akihito is seeing. I have tried many times to get close to him, but somehow they always know where I am. Last time I got close to where he is. I got shot. What do you think we could do to get close?

All I said was...

"Well duuuuuuh. You need the invisible cape!"

Asami: The what?

"Invisible cape. Its a special cape design to make you invisible. Outside you can just see through whats right infront of you, but inside is just an ordinary cape."

When I said that, Asami's eyes widen and left in a hurry. I just went right behind him.  

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