Part 3: The Stranger Coming for my Rescue

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When I was done cleaning every little part, I decided to put bean bags, some wooden tables, chairs. Even though I cleaned the whole section, and there were just hundreds of manga, I just stayed on one particular section. The yaoi section was my most favorite because I just liked guy and guy romance since forever. Plus, I get to see the action all in detail. 

One day when I got to the bookstore early, I heard some faint talking. I checked the first floor, nothing. Checked the second, nothing again. Then as I got to the third floor, the talking became much louder. I noticed it was coming from the manga section. I silently got close, I jumped in front of the entrance, no one was there. As I go in, the room felt quite heavy. I'm thinking, is this the curse? 

So I checked every corner, no sound. Now, the room had its own open light source in the sealing, the sun. The sun shines through the sky glass and brights the whole room. A real pretty sight. They all just have this beautiful glow on them. Though, today not all of them were glowing, instead one particular section was glowing. It was glowing gold. I go there and there is something between two mangas in the yaoi section. I take a manga out and all I found was this clear looking card. On it, it had YT written on it and at the bottom it had PROP. TYDT

"What is TYDT" I said thinking in my head. I put the card in a pocket that my uniform had and left running because people were waiting outside. All day I just kept thinking what was this? I even showed it to the workers, but they don't see it. Only me. I was just like, what the fuck is going on and what the hell is this thing?

As I was finishing my work for the night and was ready to leave the manga, I was heading out and I felt like a slight pull. It wasn't violent, but it felt in a way you are protected here. Don't go. I ignored it and went my way. 

When I was locking, I saw the old man again. This time though, he was acting really weird. He was looking at the floor and looked like he was about to fall.

I rushed to him, but then a guy with a suit and tie just appeared out of no where. He told me to run. So I did, but the old man jumped right in front of me.

What the hell did I just see? How did he do that? Then the man yells as if he was in some sort of pain. The next thing I knew... Old dude turned spider. My head went blank.

At this rate... I'm going to die... I have no idea what I'm supposed to. So this sexy ass dude pulls me inside the store and we just run up the stairs. By the way, we completely just went through the glass door.

He runs all the way to the third floor, we go to the manga section and pushes me in where the yaoi are. He leaves dashing so the old man doesn't get me for dinner. I try to go help him but I'm trapped in some invisible  force field.

He had a gun with him. He knew all the monsters weak points. Easy fight.

When he was done killing the monster, he comes up to me.

Stranger: "So, you are my next problem."

"Hey hey hey! What the hell man? Your the one th-"

Before I could say anything else he had punched me in my stomach. I was knocked out for several days. Little did I know that this was the end. The end of my exsistance... Well for the time being, and in this world. My new life was going to start. I felt safe, but at the same time terrified.

When I finally woke up from my slumber, My head hurt. My ass hurt... Everything hurt. I felt like I just been slammed on the floor and was left there. I was under a tree in a field. Just a complete green field. My uniform was gone. I just had the same clothes that I came with. A squared shirt, jeans and tennis shoes. I saw a river, and was going to wash myself and saying I should wake up now. When I saw myself I yelled like a bitch.

"Uh? Huh? Wha...


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