°1° [Keith]

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"Now as you know, the school year is almost over. With you all being in this program, your summer break will be spent tutoring other folk. You signed up and can't back away now.

After you complete this program, you will be getting college credits that will be transferable to whatever college of your choice after you finish senior year. Now, I'll be assigning you to who you'll be tutoring." Mr. Draco said then began pulling out a stack of papers handing them to students they were assigned to.

I hope I didn't get someone who was that dense.

Please, Lord.

I prayed mentally as I waited in my seat for Mr. Draco to bring me my file to see who I'll be spending the majority of my summer with.

As he neared closer I got nervous. I get nervous about everything. My heart was beating fast in my chest when he pulled out my file & in my mind it was in slow motion.

He gave me my file and began to walk away.

I held this light tanned file in my shaky hands (over dramatic I know) and looked it over.

It was titled with my name,

Keith Powers

A huge red stamp that said approved. I don't know why but seeing that I was approved, even though I knew I would be, carried a weight off my shoulders. I like having approval, it helps with my anxiety.

I slowly opened it and picked up the papers.

Assigned Client: Valencia Lowe
Classes: Math, Science, U.S. History.
Address: 1430 NE Clint Eastwood
Letter from them:

      Hello to whoever is assigned to me. I promise to try my hardest to learn but some things don't come easily to me. I hope you're patient. And cute. I love music and fashion, hopefully you do too. My favorite color is Olive Green, and my favorite food is Macaroni & Cheese. I have a lot of questions for you but those can wait until we meet face to face.

Love, Valencia Lowe <3

Contact Information:
Instagram: cia.boo.ya

As I read over the information, the name sounded familiar but I couldn't put a face to it.

I pulled out my phone & went onto Instagram, and typed her name in the search bar.

And immediately I knew, I was in for a wild summer.

* * * *

It was a new day at school, the third to last day at school. People were scattering around because of finals & other projects due by the end of the year.

I on the other hand am searching for Valencia.

I dm'ed her on Instagram the other day & she told me to meet her by the library. I've been in the library for a minute now, and have yet to see her.

I was about to leave when I saw De'nasia walk in, fixing her small purse & dropping things from her binder. I stood up from my chair & went to help her.

"You know, if you had a bag that you could actually fit your binder into, you wouldn't have this problem." I said as I bent down to help her.

"You're right, but I don't like carrying gigantic bags. Unless it's Versace."
Valencia said taking papers from my hand and putting them back in their designated spots inside her binder.

She lifted her head up finally taking a look at me.

"Oh you're Keith! Sorry for making you wait. How long were you waiting?"

Half an hour "Not that long." I replied shaking my head.

With that I lead her to the table I was sitting at & she took a spot beside me.

"So basically I just want to know what parts in the subjects you are to be tutored on are the most difficult," I took out the paper that had her info on what she was being tutored on. "So U.S. History, what are the most difficult things in U.S. History for you?" I asked.

She placed her binder on the table & crossed her right leg over her left. "To be honest, nothing."

"Then why do you have a F?"

"Because U.S. History is trash. And I feel like my Trump supporting a** teacher takes pride in how Europeans took over America. It just doesn't settle with me. I know it's what happened but they act like we're suppose to take pride in that. Especially when it comes to Slavery. They minimize it.

So unless I get to speak how I feel with out being told 'I'm getting too deep' then I don't want to participate in that class." She said shrugging her shoulders.

I was left in awe with what she said, because it was how I felt too. Except I still did the work because I want to graduate. But nonetheless, I felt the same.

"Honestly I feel you. But in order to graduate & get your credits you have to pass this class. Maybe there's some type test to see how much you know so you don't have to go. But as far as I know you have to pass.

So let's just cross U.S. History off the list for now." I said seeing what else she's failing at.

"Don't even bring up Math. Please." De'nasia said crossing her arms and rolling her eyes.

"Sorry but I have to, so...What's up with you & Math?"

"It's not me & Math, it's me & my Math teacher. She's so extra. Always telling me to bring my textbook when there's no reason to bring it. We don't use it in class! She assigns homework well I can look at it in my textbook at home! So it's just a personal problem with her. I want a new math teacher." De'nasia said rolling her eyes.

"Well lucky you. I'll be your teacher on all three subjects you're struggling on for the whole summer." I said giving a slight smile & fixing my glasses. "Now Science. Let me guess, you don't like your teacher, or you're a devout Christian and believe science is the devils work-"

She cocked her head sideways looking at me. "Boy! Actually, Science is the only subject I actually kinda don't understand. Also I believe in a higher power, but would I label myself with a religion? No."

This girl is actually way different than what I imagined her to be. This summer is going to be something to remember.

Little did I know, it will really be something unforgettable.

♡* * * *♡

So... how it feel? You feelin or nah?

Bloop bloop bloop bloop.

Btw Valencia's name is pronounced:


hence why her fake ig (idk if someone name is actually that but if there isn't hey here's an idea) cia.boo.ya like shabooya

okay bye fr hope you enjoyed it love ya

don't forget to vote if you don't you're a trump supporter aka musty asf🤢🤢🤢😷

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