We Are The Beginning Of The End. We Are. Wild. Pt 1

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Brendons POV

Fuuuuuucck I totally forgot about operation "WYMMP". I wouldn't have brought Patrick home if I had remembered. As if right now he needs the extra drama of knowing Pete was about to propose to him tonight. Patrick is gonna beat himself up about everything now, and I don't think I can handle that. I know about his struggle with cutting, and I know he quit for Pete. But Pete's not here now. But I'd rather have to deal with it than leve him here by himself, because then there might end up being two people in the hospital. I'd rather have him latch on to me, than latch on to a razor.

"What. What is all of this?!" He whimpers.
"Pete. Pete set it all up. This is part of Operation W.Y.M.M.P"
"What does that mean?" I stay silent, trying my best not to look at him. "What is it Brendon?!"
"Operation W.Y.M.M.P. Stands for 'Will You Marry Me Patrick'. Pete. Was going to uhm. Propose to you tonight". He just stands there in the doorway, staring at the ring. First a look of Love and remorse flashes across his face, and it then changes to anger and frustration. He suddenly drops to his knees, just sitting there, staring at everything. There are notecards everywhere, some with poetry on them, some of them with cute quotes and inside jokes. There were rose petals, scattered on the floor leading from the door to the jacuzzi outside. It was like Pete took everything he had ever seen from every romantic movie ever and recreated it. And I think that was the hardest part for Patrick. It was like standing in the wreckage of your home town after a tornado.

"Patrick I. I'm sorry"
"For what?" he says, holding back a river of tears.
"For everything. I'm sorry any of this happened". He finally finds the strength and picks himself up. He wraps his arms around me, cryinging into my shoulder. I don't really have anything to say. What can I say? Because at this point the only thing that could comfort Patrick is if Pete had some magic speed recovery and everything could go back to normal. But I know that isn't gonna happen. You know that isn't gonna happen. And Patrick. I don't know what he's thinking, but it can't be good.

Patricks POV

I already know this is gonna be toxic. And I know I shouldn't do it, because it's gonna end up being this big, giant mess. But without. Pete, I need something. Someone. To fill this void that has suddenly been created in my heart. I feel like it's wrong, and right all at once. I know. I sound crazy. I know that if I do this, not only will it make things more complicated, it will break Pete. It will utterly destroy him. I know I shouldn't have told Brendon to stay, but honestly if I didn't I might be dead at this very moment. My thing is, I don't want Brendon to be my reason for living, I want Pete to be my reason for living. But Pete, can't be here right now.

I know everything I just said is probably confusing, and doesn't make any sense, but that's how I feel right now. Everything is dizzy. And just like my thoughts, nothing seems to make any sense. All I know is that I Love Pete, and nothing will ever change that, and I won't do anything that might destroy our relationship.

I look up at him and I see a single tear sliding down his cheek. I use my sleeve to wipe all the tears off of my face, then his. I give him a light smile, and he returns one. I grab his hand and begin to lead him to the living room. We need to do something to get all of this off our minds. I turn on the XBox and put in Call Of Duty Ghost, and hand Brendon the controller. We're both really competitive, but he is always better. The only thing Brendon can't beat me at is Call Of Duty, ping pong, and air hockey.
"Damnit I didn't even see you!" he says, slamming the controller on the coffee table.
"I don't know how, I was in plain sight when I shot you!"
"I want a rematch!"
"No way! I won fair and square! Let's just watch t.v"
"Fine" he says sticking his tongue out at me.

Brendons POV

I wake up to see Patrick, snuggled into my chest and my arm around his waist. We must have fallen asleep on the couch last night. I check the time, and it is 9:47.
"Patrick wake up! the hospitals open, lets go"
"What? Why do we?" He suddenly jumps up "Holy smokes Pete is in the hospital! Brendon get up, hurry lets go!" He grabs his keys and his fedora rushing out the door.

When we get there, Pete is still asleep, but the doctor assures us he will wake up sometime in the next twenty minutes. I ask him about his spinal cord, but he tells us he can't release any more information without Petes consent, so we have to wait for him to wake up. Patrick just sits there staring at him, sobbing.
"Brendon, what if he never walks again?"
"Don't talk like that Patrick! Pete is strong! He can make it through anything!" He just turns his head, facing the wall. I hear something that sounds like a loud groan. Pete is moving.

Patricks POV

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. I jump up, staring down at Pete as he blinks his eyes, adjusting to the bright hospital lights.
"What the hell, where am I?"
"Pete, baby you're awake. You're at the hospital"
"Hospital what the hell? Why?"
"Pete you were in a car accident yestarday. You've been asleep since then" I look over to Brendon "Brendon, go get the doctor" He walks out of the room, still in shock.
"A car accident? What happened to the guy who hit me?"
"Pete he uh. He died. After he hit you his car flipped and burst into flames" His eyes widen. Brendon walks in, the doctor trailing behind him.
"Why hello Mr Wentz, I'm doctor Stuntin, I assume Patrick already explained why you're here. I can only give them information if you consent." Pete nods his head yes and the doctor continues. "Basically a few disks in your spinal cord seperated. We weren't sure If you'd be able to walk again. But we took a few x-rays and the damage is more minimal than we thought. With minor surgery you should have your full walking ability back in a month or so"

I grab Pete and pull him into a tight hug. "I Love you PeteyPie"
"I Love you Trick. Did you go home last night?"
"Yeah, the hospital made me"
"So, what is your answer?"
"My answer to what?"
"Patrick. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"
"Of course I will" He pulls me in closer, kissing me.

I wouldn't trade this moment for anything in the world.

OMFG GUYS! I passed 1000 views this morning! I am currentley at 1,179! Thank you guys for making this possible. I really appreciate the support! The next chapter may be the last, but the story will live on! P.S I also might do a sequal ;P But thank you guys so much!

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