Chapter 6: Guys stay chill, while girls get rowdy? Unknown Premonition!

Start from the beginning

Merola: *whisper*Sis it's him! I sense six people there, but the other five appear to be small. Ghori, and Hikaraya aren't here yet what do we do.

Airi: *whisper* Relax, it's only just the beginning, they'll be here soon. Hm? 'I then saw that the door on our side was opening and revealed themselves to be the five shinobi, in which the boy was with. I then saw the blonde beginning to speak.'

Katsuragi: Hahaha, time for the banquet of breasts to begin! 'At this point I sweatdropped knowing she's a pervert, and with my sister being here chances are she may learn a thing or two from her. I then saw the black haired girl beginning to speak, and within her I sensed it, his presence was there most of the hatred that was with him is now with her, but is being converted into something warmer, she towards him. I approached near my sister and told her.'

Merola: *whisper* Yeah I know I can sense him within her as well, she has affections for him this is going to be bad if she can completely melt his heart, and make his hatred turn into love.

Airi: *whisper* Then we'll inform Milady about this then for now observe the black haired girl!

Merola: Right!

Ikaruga: Katsuragi enough, and besides there are other people here.

Katsuragi: All the more breasts for me to squeeze! 'I then saw the girl with the ponytail begin to speak.'

Asuka: Katsuragi control yourself!

Katsuragi: Why should I? 'I know the perfect way to start this, and I'll start with you Asuka. I saw her go behind Asuka and furiously groped her breasts.
Asuka: Ow stop it Katsuragi!

Katsuragi: No way I'm not letting go until I had my fill! 'It was then I saw the pink haired girl begin to speak out, and I noticed something about her, taking in her appearance she looks very weak. I made another mental note to myself to inform Milady about this.'

Hibari: That looks like fun let me join too! 'I then saw the girl with the silver hair begin to blush, and speak out. Judging by her appearance, and the way she was looking at the pinkette I could tell she was obsessed with her and would not care about anything, unless it's only for the pinkette only.'

Airi: (They could play a lot into our favor, I must inform her about this later on!)

Yagyu: Hibari you don't need to focus on that, if you want I-I can fondle you if you want, and you can fondle me as well.

At this point both my sister and I looked at each other and gave a look that said, ("Are they seriously shinobis?!")

Hibari: Okay Yagyu!

It was then I decided to ignore them and focus on relaxing, until the blonde approached me.

Katsuragi: Wow! You've got some amazing breasts!

Airi: *sweatdropped* uh....thanks?

Merola: I know right they feel really good when you touch them.

Airi: Hyaah sister let go! I ah!...sto....ah!..stop please!

Katsuragi: Let me join in! 'I knew what was coming and I had to get away from there, or else my chest will be at large risk of near breast removal with the amount of force that this blonde did to her friend. It was then I was saved by the black haired girl.'

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