First failure- Part 9

Start from the beginning

. Swara; (to herself)wt the hell this sanskar thinks,mrg that prank and now nd to do this just for a contract, he needs to do this much nonsense today, its cheating, I will kill him today how dare he is to touch mee I have to teach him a lesson

meanwhile, Shekhar came towards swara he is so angry with her

Shekhar;(shouts) swara wts this how can u be so irresponsible towards the company ...I had remained u million time to prepare well but u still, How reckless ur,swara ur incapable of handling such a big company

Swara; (shocked nd sad) dad just listen to me I had prepared well It's all happened bcoz of sanskar dad

Shekhar;u had failed nd blaming sanskar ahh bcoz of him only we got this contract wt he did to u to stop ur preparation do he struck ur mouth ahh answer me (shouted)

Swara:(speechless she don't know wt to say to her dad wt sanskar did if she told truth it won't be good ...dp may throw sanskar out of house for behaving oddly so she kept quiet )

Shekhar;(angrily) u don't have an answer wt sanskar did! I don't wanna u to repeat the same again and I don't want to hear anything against sanskar did u get it

. Swara; ( Shekhar words hurted swara a lot, tears rolled from her eyes till now no one blamed her against her profession

sanskar nd DP are shocked to see Shekhar's angry towards swara

Swara:(gave an angry look towards sanskar ND left to office )

Sanskar;( shocked bcoz he had no idea that Shekhar will react so hard with swara he felt bad nd wanted to say sorry to swara)

all the four went to office including sathvik

Its 12.30pm

Sanskar, Shekhar nd dp in Shekhar 's cabin

Dp; Shekhar it's a small deal Why u shouted on swara for such a small thing it's just a contract nd y don't u given a chance to her it's her 1st mistake bcoz of her talent only our company is in top 1

Shekhar; she is irresponsible if I scold her now she won't repeat it again soo I don't want her to fail as per her profession Durga Prasad

. Otherside swara cabin she is sitting in sofa and she is crying by remembering Shekhar words ...went towards her PC and typed a letter signed on it and left towards Shekhar's cabin and knocked the door

Swara; excuse me, may I come is sir

. Everyone are shocked to see swara her face is pale as she cried from past 2hrs

Dp: Come in beta u don't need any permission its ur office

Swara: I am sorry sir it's not my office I was just an auditor so I should ask permission(she handled a letter on table)

Dp: Wts this swara

Swara; it's my resignation letter I had to decide to leave ur m&m group

. All are shocked mainly sanskar

Sanskar;(shocked) how can u resign, anyway u had signed a contract of 5 yr contract

Swara:(angrily) ha Mr.sanskar I had signed but u have not read it completely... It had a clause 27 were I noted if "any of the directors feel that I was irresponsible or incapable to ur firm I will resign so Shekhar sir had told mee just 2hrs before that I was incapable nd irresponsible so I was resigning

Dp; no swara how it's possible, think for a while it's not a correct thing to do wt Shekhar told is just in angry he doesn't mean soo

Swara; I don't mine it's the true, nd I had decided to leave that's 5n for mee

Shekhar; (annoyed)wt u will do by leaving this job will u stay in house nd do household works ahh

Swara; (angrily) Shekhar sir ur mistaking. I was an auditor, not a normal staff. I had an ocean of opportunities ...I can choose the best and maybe u had forgotten ..I had got 3 best multinational companies offer's but I rejected and joined in ur company due to respect I have towards u,..but today I had found that I don't have any respect or importance in ur office so I can't work like a robot which always keep on winning..., I was human being so I can't win always ... u search the one who suits for u, now I will serve my notice period of 2months in ur office

(she turned to go but stopped )

Swara; Shekhar sir one more thing, wat u said is wrong the contract u got is only bcoz of me the presentation is prepared by me... I had only presented 3/4th of it, ur honorable director Mr.sanskar had not even read the contract completely he just presented the 1/4th which I left due to some reason (she walked towards door)

Sanskar;(shouts )swara one sec plz listen to mee

Swara; what u wanna ask I know don't worry Mr .sanskar I will work under u for 1 week I can't let my word down so I will,u can irritate me in this whole week now happy (she left )

**************** to be continued********  

TU MERI MANNAT (slow editing ..... On Hold )Where stories live. Discover now