Silly Bet ~ Part 41

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sanskar got down from car nd opened the door for swara swara got down but she is unable to walk because her feet toes got hurted due to goons sanskar saw this nd he lifted her in his arms nd he entered Mitra mansion

swara; (shouts ) arey sanskar leave me if anyone sees wt they will think

sanskar; nothing they will think and keep quite

swara; (trying to get down) sanskar no plz leave me now plz I can walk

Sanskar; you can walk ah ok try (he placed her down

swara; ( she started walking but her wet saree not supported she about to fall sanskar grabbed her and lifted her in his arms )

swara; sanskarrrrrr (sanskar gave a peck on her lips to make her claim )

sanskar; if you move again I will call you dad now (swara kept quite sanskar carried her to her room and placed her on bed swara tried to get down)

sanskar; where your going again

swara; (gave a look ) I wanna change how can I sleep in wet clothes ha ...go you to change

sanskar; (teasingly) change ha shall I help you (he moved close to her )

swara; (took a step back and in shivering tone ) no stop right there it is my home and I will shout if you did anything

sanskar; ok not a problem let them know that one day they should know nah now they will (he pinned her to the wall )

swara; (closed her eyes and clutched his shirt due to nervousness ) sanskar no

sanskar leaned towards her neck and slowed kissed her and whispered " swara this is the biggest victory of my life I won you "

swara opened her eyes she hugged him out of blushing

sanskar hugged her back by caressing her wet hair "your love is more precious gift in my life I love you swara "

swara shivering tone "I love you more sanskar "

sanskar breaks the hug "swara are you ok "

swara; (shivering ) ha fine it is so cool nah so let us change you to go

sanskar; you go and change I will go later

SWARA; sanskar go nah plz

sanskar; no I will wait later I will

swara; (walked towards cupboard took a packet and gave to sanskar

sanskar opened it, it's red Hooded t-shirt nd jeans )

Sanskar; wow when did you get it

swara; I will say later ok now say me you like it or not

TU MERI MANNAT (slow editing ..... On Hold )Where stories live. Discover now