best plan with fun ~ Part 46

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swara; (tension ) we had a meeting in 10mins we are here now wt to do now say mee

sanskar; cool let me think ok let go to the office now

swara; (tension ) see our dressing yar we are in causal jeans and t-shirt dad will shout for this and our shoes are full of sand and water

"we don't even have time either to shop or to go home wt too doo now "

Sanskar; ok cool I will manage come sit in the car first

(sanskar started driving to office )

swara; (nervous and tenses ) sanskar we are late dad said me twice but still, I forgot this oh no he will hang me today

sanskar; (while driving ) ur dad just will hang you but my Hitler dad will cut me into pieces

swara; oh no it takes more then 50mins to reach wt to do now

sanskar; ok cool swara calm down tighten your seat belt fast (sanskar raised the speed in one gear to 130kms / hour

swara; (shouted in fear ) you plz take me to the office, not to a hospital

sanskar;( while driving ) chupp close your eyes and keep quite

swara closed her eyes hard in 15mins he drove her to the office

sanskar; open ur eyes we are in office

location; S ND S OFFICE 10.45am

swasan reached the office

swara got down from the car in hurry and grabbed her hoodies and left towards her cabin with bear foot "sanskar come fast we are late "

everyone are shocked to see swara without footwear and in causal her hair is uncombed she just adjusted with her hand its loose and silky they just watched her in surprise and shock

they wished her gud mrg but swara gave formal smile and rushed towards her cabin

swara dialled Priya from ph and Priya rushed

Priya; mam ur late Shekhar sir is full on angry

swara; I know that wt can I doo now

Priya;(shocked to see her new avatar ) mam wts this, where are ur shoe's and ur wearing casuals its a new style ah

swara; stop it Priya ok first take my card go to mall and plz get me some shoes or any sandals to wear

Priya ; ha its ok but everyone are waiting for you in meeting hall

swara; I will manage that all you go do wt I said and take syam with you get shoes to sanskar too, go fast (she gave card and Priya left )

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