plan back fire ~ Part 17

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  *********episode starts*********

Swasan office ,

scence1, PHONE CALL

Swara; (moved a side ) ha rags

Ragini; " wt u both are doing in office " she asked teasingly

Swara; " ntg we are just doing office work( she said nervously

Ragini; liar we are seeing here

Swara; (shocked started searching here and there) what u kept a camera here also ha where u kept ha

Ragini; (naughty smile) it means ur really romancing don't worry there is no camera I'm just kidding to know the truth

Swara; stop it I was in office I had work

Ragini; acha with Sanskar ahh so u had skipped my office too

Swara; no I have my own work Sanskar the hell

Sanskar; (holds her from the neck which made Swara struck)

Ragini; once pass ur mobile to Sanskar

Sanskar; ha rags (he took a pic of cotton and started doing first aid to Swara as her side of neck is bleeding and swollen by his bite

Ragini; dad said me about Kerala tour wt, say u guys are interested or not I and lucky are on cloud 9 at we had a dream to visit Kerala Swara to love it ... what u say

Sanskar; ha ok I will come u ask Swara what she will say

(he placed the cotton on bitten area Swara shouts out of pain" ouch Sanskar wt ur doing it's paining u stupid"

Ragini : (teasingly) u both are busy in romancing how can u answer me, ha u continue I will speak later

Swara; (panic with Ragini words) no rags ntg like it.. he just irritating me

Sanskar: stop it both I was doing first aid that's it (he hugged Swara from back and placed his hand on her waist to make Swara claim to do his first aid )

Ragini ; (teasingly) oh I see u had only biting and ur only doing first aid too wow

Swara; (embarrassed) Ragini Plz stop it yaar I can't say u anything plz stop

Ragini; ok Swara answer me Swara will you come to Kerala or not

Swara is speechless as Sanskar hand is on her waist ) Woh Woh

Ragini; What Woh Woh answer me yes or not

Sanskar; she told yes, u both get ready we hadwhatwork so bye

Ragini; (teasingly) I know ur so busy ....

Sanskar: u better keep quiet or else

Ragini: or else ah wt u will do

Sanskar: I will call to lucky and I will say him that "Ragini is very free now she told that she wanna seduce u "

Swara : (pushed him out by listening to his words with rags )

Ragini:(shocked and tensed) stop it Sanky how can u say such things ah

Sanskar: ha I will now,u to had work ? or else shall I..I ...I

Ragini; no I have an urgent case to attend bye(she ended the call)

Swara; Sanskarrrr Plz leave me I have to go

Sanskar; Acha where u wanna go see u asked me a leave to go Kerala now I myself coming with u the 4days also u will be working under me (winked at her)

TU MERI MANNAT (slow editing ..... On Hold )Where stories live. Discover now