"She's going to redo the music," Yūri eagerly told Viktor and Y/n.

"That's great!" Y/n cheered.

"Okay, I look forward to it," Viktor added.

"Until she's done, um...please teach me all the jumps you can do! You included Y/n!"


Yurio skated to the music of his routine. He moved with elegance and grace, just like the ballerina Lilia intended him to be. Yurio landed the jump perfectly and kept on.

"It's no good at all," Lilia stated. "Even the king crab we ate yesterday had a better free leg than you" Yurio panted tiredly. "Do it again, starting from the same place. Your response?"

"Yes ma'am!"

Yakov watched with a frown. "It might have been good that he left Viktor's side early," he thought. Yurio still panted slightly. He went to move some of his hair out of his face. "He's trying to rebuild his strengths."


"Viktor, Y/n, please let me do that one more time!" Viktor lifted his head up from the barrier he was resting his head on. Sweat covered his body as he panted.

"Wow... Hasn't it been tens of thousands of times?" He asked smiling. Y/n was laying in the ice.

"I'm not sure how much more my body can take, but if you say so." She tried to stand only to slip and fall. Pain flared up through her bones. Y/n just laid there. "My body is sad."

"Just thirteen," Yūri clarified.

"I've thought this for a while, but you have pretty good stamina," Viktor said as he wiped some of the ice off his skate.

"Yeah." Y/n wobbled a bit but remained standing. "He typically can skate a lot longer compared to me."

"Well, I have that at least."

"You said you get hungry when you're nervous in competition, too," said Viktor still leaning over. "You haven't suffered any major injuries, and you're younger than I am."

Yūri poked the center of Viktor's head.

"S-sorry!" Yūri apologized upon realizing what he did. Viktor's hand went to his head. "I couldn't help it!"

"Is it getting that thin?" He asked.

"No, no, no! Everything's okay!"

"I'm hurt... I can't recover from this." Viktor laid down on the ice causing Yūri to freak out.

"Sorry!" Yūri frantically apologized on the ground. Y/n stood in the corner of the rink snickering. "Please get up! Y/n, do something!"

"What am I to do?" She asked in Korean while shrugging. "Kiss him?"

"I don't speak Korean!"

On the sidelines, Takeshi and Yuko were watching the whole thing. "Well, those three seem to get along fine," Takeshi stated.

That night, Yūri received another email.

"It's here!" He grabbed his computer. Yūri shook Y/n awake who had fallen asleep on his bed. He then grabbed his computer and ran to Viktor's room. "Viktor, it's here. You and Y/n, listen!" Viktor groggily woke up. Y/n sluggishly walked in and collapsed on Viktor's bed. Makkachin yelped when Yūri stepped on its tail. "Oops, sorry! The music for the free program's done.

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