Anime Review #5

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I haven't done a review/reason why I like this anime for a while. I meant to do this review for about a month or so, but I forgot to do it until yesterday when adding some anime openings to my Soundcloud anime playlist, not for the next favorites list yet. (Adding those songs gave me the idea for the list.)

The anime I'll be "reviewing", which none if these are actually objective reviews, just subjective, is Stein's;Gate.

This "review" will most likely be entirely subjective, (I never plan what I'll say for any of these things

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This "review" will most likely be entirely subjective, (I never plan what I'll say for any of these things.) but maybe some objective comments will be made.

To start, a quick synopsis. Stein's;Gate (Yes, all of the punctuation is actually in the title of the show.) is a show about a "mad scientist" named Okabe Rintarou, who tries to get people to call him by his pen name, Hououin Kyoma. His experiments in "future gadgets" are mostly failures, but he and his partners Mayuri and Itaru, known are "Daru", keep working on their machine the "Phone Microwave", which, as of what they know at that moment, morphs bananas into gel. It isn't until Rintarou goes to a convention and some unexpected events happen that they learn the true nature of the beast.

After attending a convention on time travel, or the debunking of it, Rintarou, maddened at what the man said about time travel not being real, quickly leaves and finds something astonishing. A woman who attended the convention was dead. He quickly sends a text to Daru and when leaving the building, the world starts to morph around him.

He then finds Daru at a train station to ask him what had happened. To his surprise, the woman he found dead earlier...was alive and well, standing right in front of him.

The Phone Microwave can send messages to the past.

It seems like a simplistic enough idea, but the plot grows quite complicated and awesome. This is also where I will get part of the idea for "Gate of Time." Stein's;Gate's version of time travel is the basic butterfly effect, but it grows more complicated when Rintarou tries to undo what he changed later.

Changing the future is simple, but undoing it is complicated. To understand this, one would need a basic understanding of the "Infinite Universe" theory. The basis of it is that for every action you make, there's another universe were you made an alternate action. Games based around decision making are based around this concept.

In this case, Rintarou saved one person's life, Makise Kurisu, who ends up becoming a close friend, but this choice will end up killing another person close to him. So he tries to undo it, but it's not that easy. To do this, he needs to undo every message people sent to change the future to push past a "time change constant": 1.130209%.

Aside from my obvious "Gate" part of my new book's title, if I add a part where I have to undo time to return to another timeline, I'll use that concept of undoing time where I would have to change what I have done already to do that and return to anther parallel universe.

To be honest, this is one of the best anime shows I've ever seen, not just it being one of my favorites, but just how this show ends up looping around to the beginning and bringing up actions from the very first episode that would end up biting him in the rear. Saving Makise ends up killing another friend, whose name I won't say, but undoing his actions to save his friend would end up killing Makise again. It's ingenious.

Not just from a story standpoint, but the psychological standpoint is genius as well. How would you feel if you saw a friend die in front of your eyes? Now imagine seeing that person die over and over again wth no hope for saying him or her. Rintarou, without exaggeration, saw that person die at least 20 times. He was practically going insane, and constantly traveling back in time without sleep in between probably didn't help either.

It's such a well written and planned out show, and I can't say enough how good it is, in my opinion.

One more thing.

The opening-"Hacking to the Gate"-good stuff.

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