20: I wish it could be Christmas every day.

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Beyoncé walked through the front door with the coffee from  Étoile and just as she walked into the house she heard him say, "Hey beautiful" which of course made her blush like a teenager before she handed him his coffee and smiled up at him. 

"Hey hansom" She replied, "Last night you was on the phone with Ty and you were talking about a pocket watch?" She asked him. She knew she had overheard him on the phone and wanted to know more about this pocket watch business because she had no idea what she was giving him for Christmas, 

"It's no big deal really" He said, "When I was a kid I was obsessed with anything vintage and I always wanted a pocket watch but never got one. I forgot about it until Ty brought it up" He chuckled to himself but Beyoncé's mind drifted to the fact that she had no money and nothing to offer him. "I don't care much for gifts though, it's just good to be spending some time with my parents and you this Christmas" 

 "Have you packed already?" She asked him, not sure if she should have started packing to go to his parents house yet or not. They wouldn't be going until tomorrow but these things took time. 

"Yeah, I just got done actually" He took a sip of his coffee but she shot her head at him and quickly put hers down and ran to the guest bedroom. "What?" He yelled after her, he shrugged and placed his coffee down and saw her run from the guest room into his room then out again. She looked at him and complained, 

"You took all the good clothes!" She groaned and he began laughing a little, 

"Bey" He began, "They're my clothes" She shot her eyes at him and shook her head before walking up to him and placing her hands on his chest, 

"No Carter, they're our clothes" She spun around from him and walked back into the guest bedroom to begin packing her things also. Carter watched her for a while and smiled at her but she didn't look at him, he wondered how she felt about people touching her now. It had been a while of him touching her and sooner or later someone else would have to touch her too. Did his touch change her at all? did it make her feel any more open? She really had changed a lot from the first time he met her, or maybe she had stayed the same but he found out more. Who knew, all he knew was that his attraction toward her built every day and he didn't think there would ever be a day that he loved her any less than the day before. 

He paused for a moment and gulped. 

He moved away from the room and looked at the plain wall and thought about it all. 

Did he love her? Really and honestly? Was he in love with her? 

He wasn't the type of person to believe in love at first sight and he didn't think people could fall in love so fast, it seemed rather ridiculous for people to do that. He was the man who made fun of those who knew a girl for 2 days and decided they had fallen in love but he was doing the same thing. The only difference was that it had been almost 3 weeks of living with her and 5 months of semi-knowing her before then. Could he possibly be in love so fast? Was that real or was his dick thinking more than his brain? He looked into her room again and heard her humming away to a tune inside her head. He smiled to himself and closed his eyes, swept away by her humming the darkness behind his eye lids revealed nothing but her smile. Her words, her voice and her laugh rang through his ears and soon enough he opened his eyes again and looked at her. "I love her" He whispered to himself, so quietly that she couldn't hear but loud enough that he could. He, of course, did not plan on telling her this.

He walked into the room and she looked up at him with an eye roll, still annoyed by the fact that he took the clothes she liked to wear. He watched as she took his golden chain and dropped it into her bag with a devilish grin. He walked beside her and looked down at the bag in front of her and saw his chain laying on top of her underwear- he would deffinately be wearing that again. 

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