Dubai? - 24

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Alfie's POV
I was sitting on my MacBook editing one of my daily vlogs to go up tomorrow when Caspar came in in his pjammas barely awake walked into the lounge and said "Hey bro why are you up so early?" I couldn't help but laugh "Dude it's 1:00 in the afternoon!" I replied " are you and Zoe?" He asked whilst coming to sit down beside me "things are going great hopefully I will get to see her soon I miss her so much, my heart just aches for her man" I said almost all in one breath "aww buddy!" Caspar shouted in his usual silly tone "alright what do you want to do today?" He asked "I don't mind but first I need to edit my video then reply to some emails" I replied "ugh boring I'm going to have some toast want some?" "Nah your alright mate" I laughed. I scrolled through my inbox of emails after saving my video and saw one from daily mix, it said...

Dear Alfie Deyes aka PointlessBlog,
We understand that you and all the British you tubers get along really well and are gaining popularity as a group, and we would like to invite you and the following you tubers for a trip to Dubai to do some filming some collabs for our channel 'Daily Mix' the following You tubers we have asked to attend.

ThatcherJoe - Joe Sugg
Marcus Butler
Tanya Burr
Jim Chapman
Zoella - Zoe Sugg
Niomi Smart
We hope you can join us and all expenses will be paid and you will be staying in one of the best hotels in Dubai with fantastic rooms, pools and views. The trip will be on the 6th December until 12th December See you then Hopefully thanks,
Yours sincerely Daily Mix team.
How could I refuse this offer they were paying for a holiday for us hopefully everyone else can come to especially Zoe, this might sound cringe but I didn't really care about the hotel or what we were doing as long as I was with Zoe. I had to Skype call her to make sure she was coming. There were three slow rings on Skype when she finally answered and I saw her beaming face "Hi!" She cheerfully waved "Hey" I replied "You ok Schmalf?" She asked being polite "Yep" I laughed at her nickname for me "Did you get the email about the daily mix trip?" I asked "No...I'll check my emails now" she stated looking concerned. I heard a few clicks of her laptop then saw her beautiful blue eyes scan the screen and when they opened wide with happiness "Oh My God Alfie!" She shouted I just chuckled with a huge grin plastered on my face. "I'm guessing you want to go then" I stated "OF COURSE!" She screamed so loud Joe came in her room and said "Geez Zo! Why are you being so loud!" Zoe just laughed she then scurried out of shot and hugged him "Joe check your emails!" She shouted even louder "Alright, alright..." he replied very confused.
Zoe's POV
I was just scrolling through tumblr today everything has been falling apart, I tried to film but it just wasn't working I could see I wasn't happy when I started to edit so I gave up. I can try tomorrow. I also was going to go out to lunch with my mum but she was sick so she had to cancel and the one thing that I really want is just one of Alfie's bear hugs but of course his hugs are all the way in London. I stumbled across the ZALFIE tag and ended up looking at that for ages just pictures of me and Alfie either hugging or being caught holding hands or even photoshopped pictures of us kissing I had to stop so I was just about to go to twitter when I got a Skype call from the man himself Schmalf Deyes. I answered and tried to act happy but he looked really excited about something so I said "Hi" "Hey" I asked trying to be polite "You ok Schmalf?" "yep" he replied popping the P at the end "did you get the email about the daily mix trip?" He asked smiling even more "No...I'll check my emails now" I said sounding curious. What trip? Was I invited? Or worse was Alfie and I not? Ugh shut up Zoe just open your emails! I opened them and there before my very eyes was an email from daily Mix saying there is a trip to Dubai I've always wanted to go there! My eyes widened which made Alfie laugh it says that all my friends are coming too and Alfie! God how I miss hearing him and seeing him in person. I'm going to have to go I can't bear being apart from him any longer! "Oh my god Alfie!" I shouted with every word getting louder "I'm guessing you're going then" he stated "OF COURSE!" I screamed maybe a bit to loud though as Joe walked in looking very stunned "Geez Zo! Why are you being so loud?!" I couldn't help but leap into his arms and hug him I was So excited "Joe check your emails!" I shouted once again "alright, alright" he said looking very confused. I sat back down once Joe had left my room and I tried to calm myself a bit "Zoe..calm ok!" Alfie said making me giggle "I can't wait to see you!" I said down the line I couldn't stop smiling "same here!" He replied "I miss you so much can't you come down here early for a few days then we can head to the airport together!" I asked pleading "Yeah of course I will only if your dad doesn't mind" he said, he was so considerate "of course I will double check but I'm sure it's fine!" I stated smiling I'm pretty sure it's scary by now "when can you come down?" I asked "what's the date today?" Alfie smiled "umm..." I checked my phone "3rd" "cool can I come down tomorrow?" Oh my god..."YES!" Alfie just laughed "see you then little one I love you!" "I love you too!" I said down the line and ended the call. Joe walked in smiling as well now "Zoe! I can't wait!" "Me neither!" I got up and hugged him once more "oh and by the way Joe Alfie is coming to stay here from tomorrow and get on the flight with us" I stated "oooooooo, ZOE'S GOT A BOYFRIEND!" Joe sang really loud "Joe! Shut up!"

Word count: 1111

How weird:)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter will update soon thanks :) x

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