Chapter 13: Don't get your hopes up

Start from the beginning

"Hobi." You called across to him.

He stop in his track and looked up at you. You waved to him as you made your way towards him. He smiled at you when you finally stood next to him.

"Y/N, it's good to see you. Can I help you with something?" Hobi asked as he continued working out in front of you.

"No there nothing to help me with. I just wanted to come and chat with you since your one of the guys I haven't spent much time with." You replied back.

Hobi looked up at you after doing a set of push ups and smiled. He got up of the ground and dusted his hands clean before standing next to you.

"Well I thought I wouldn't chase you because all the other guys are currently all over you. So I just wanted to wait and hopefully I would get some time with you. I guess I did the right thing though." Hobi replied back wiping sweat of his face and neck.

You smiled at how considerate he was toward you. You couldn't help but feel comfortable around Hobi. You couldn't pin point what factor it was that made you so much more relaxed with him compared to the other boys. You continued to watch him work out some more.

"Y/N, you look like your enjoying the show." Hobi joked.

You blushed at his comment and looked away.

"It's just entertaining and admiration at people who workout because I won't be able to do it." You replied back trying to cover up you perving.

"Oh I think you can. You just need to start small and build on. Same with dancing start slow then speed up when your confident." Hobi replied showing off some dance moves to help sell his advice.

You looked at him in awe mode. Hobi stopped what he was doing and saw your reaction. He started to blush before taking a bottle of water and downing it fast to make him cool down.

"Do you want to join in and work out with me?" Hobi asked.

"If she going to work out with you that will be embarrassing. She needs a better coach to make sure she in perfect form." a voice coming from the window.

You turned to find the voice and realised it was Jungkook. Of all people you just couldn't handle Jungkook and his over cockiness towards you.

You could see Hobi face looking a bit sad about what Jungkook said. You got up next to Hobi and wrapped your arms around his shoulder.

"Hobi, your an excellent coach. Someone just doesn't want you touching me because that someone is a total pervert." You said making sure Jungkook heard.

Hobi face lit up at your comment. And you couldn't help but smile at him. You nudge him into showing you how to dance and workout. At this point Jungkook has made his way outside watching both of you workout.

You were enjoying it too much with Hobi. And the look on Jungkook face everytime Hobi needed to hold onto you was just icing on top of a cake.

You were pretty sweaty and tired from the workout with Hobi. You both ended up laying on the ground spread out like a star. You were about to rest your head on the ground when Hobi poked you to lay on his arm. You could see Jungkook eagerness to see what decision you were going to make. So you took the offer and rested your head on Hobi arm. All you heard was Jungkook mumbling and throwing something before heading back inside. It was nice spending time with Hobi. You both laid there for a bit while both your heartbeat slowly calm down.

It must of been at least an hour before you got up off Hobi arm. You turned to check on Hobi who was soundly asleep with a big cheesy smile on his face. You couldn't help but be in awe of this person. You didn't want to wake him but you couldn't leave him outside to sleep. You got closer to him and gently nudged him to wake up. He stirred but didn't wake to you nudging him. You gently stroke your finger across his cheek. They were so soft like a baby bottom. You couldn't help but trace his features as you watch him sleep. You couldn't help yourself, you gently kissed him on his cheek, but he didn't wake so you tried the other side. Nope nothing. Then you went closer to his lips and was about to kiss him when he moved his head toward you and kiss you first. You shot up quick smart and touched your lips while blushing like crazy.

"Well if I'm that lucky getting beautiful kisses from you I must return some at least." Said Hobi.

You attempted to slap him but he just grabbed your hands and pulled you toward him. He gave you a big cuddle before letting you go.

"I should be the one that should be shy and embarrassed, not you." Said Hobi looking at your face.

"Why should you be shy and embarrass?" You asked curious.

"Well I'm the one laying here sleeping and then I have a beautiful girl resting next to me and staring at me. Then suddenly she kisses me. I should be shy and embarrass because my intention were completely switched." Hobi said.

"What do you mean by switched?" You asked.

"Well I wanted to do what you did to me. I'm not a good looking guy and I don't get much attention compared to the other boys. So I wanted to savour the moment." Hobi replied sounding a bit hurt.

You rested your hand on your heart shocked at what he was saying.

"Oh my! Hobi you are beautiful in your own way. Looks are not everything." You said trying to make him happy.

Hobi just smiled at you but you could see he was still upset.

"Beside I like being around you. I don't have to keep my guard up as much since you haven't tried anything on me compared to everyone else." You added in.

He felt good with what you said that he got up super quick and handed you his hand to help you up. You grabbed his hand and he pulled you up. You dusted yourself before walking back home with Hobi following behind.

"Are you busy later tonight?" Asked Hobi.

You nodded your head but felt bad at seeing Hobi face drop.

"I will be busy tonight. I have stuff to do and catch up on. But if your free tomorrow you can join me for breakfast. We can make it a little date for us." You said hoping that would make him feel better and that he would accept your offer.

All you saw was Hobi jump in the air and then straighten himself before replying. You couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Yes, I would love to take you to breakfast tomorrow." Hobi replied back.

You smiled at him and gave him a hug and then a kiss on the cheek. He hugged you back but Hobi didn't want to let you go.

"I don't want to let you go now." Hobi said still with his arm wrapped around your waist.

You laid your head on his shoulder and cuddled him back.

"Well I better go, I have a lot of work to do." You whispered to Hobi.

You felt Hobi take a big exhale and slowly release you from his hug.

"You can cuddle me all morning tomorrow if you miss me that much." You said.

Hobi face lit up at that comment.

"I'll see you later." You said before turning around to the door.

Hobi waved to you before you disappeared behind the door.

"I can't believe I have a date with her. She is so beautiful and sweet no wonder all the guys likes her." Thought Hobi.

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