"I miss him so much, mom," I cried. "I've ruined everything and now he's gone."

"Shh," she hushed me, "that's not true."

I shook my head, wiping away my tears. "They left for L.A. today, and Hayes doesn't know when they're coming back. It's over."

My mom took me by the shoulders, forcing me to look at her. "Nothing is over until you give up. Are you giving up?"

"I don't want to," I answered honestly. "I want to fight for him."

My mom's whole face lit with a smile. "Now there's my Emmie. I've missed her."

"Mom," I groaned, looking away.

"Now we just have to figure out how to get you to L.A." She beamed. I was pretty sure she'd wanted to tell me I was an idiot for pushing him away, but she knew I had to come to this conclusion on my own. Yes, I was hurt that he'd lied to me. Yes, I knew it was going to be hard dating a rock star. But I also knew Maddox was worth it, and that was the only thing that kept me from freaking out.

"But flights are expensive," I mumbled.

She gave me a stern look. "Don't play dumb with me. We both know you want to do this in person and that boy deserves more than a phone call from you." She looked away, frowning. "I don't think I've ever seen someone look so heartbroken." I opened my mouth to tell her that I'd certainly been heartbroken, but she cut me off. "He looked even worse than you, so don't start with me."

"You like him," I laughed.

She smiled. "He's a nice boy and I can see he loves you. That's all I've ever wanted for you, Emma—to be happy and have someone love you the way you deserve to be loved. I never wanted to see you go down the same path as me." She patted my knee and stood up. "I'll see if I can book you a plane ticket."

"No, mom," I shook my head. I held up a hand when she started to retort. "No," I said in a firm tone, "I want to do this on my own. I can take care of it. This is my mess and I'm going to clean it up."

She smiled. "I'm so proud of you, Emma."

I snorted. "I don't think there's much to be proud of."

"That's because you don't see what I see."

She disappeared down the hall and I grabbed my phone. I'd never called this number before, but I knew he was my only hope.

"This is Mathias," he answered on the last ring.

"I need a favor," I whispered, like as if Maddox might here me over the phone.

I heard some shuffling and what sounded like a door closing. "I'm listening."

"I need a plane ticket to L.A. I'll pay you back, I swear."

Mathias didn't smile often, and even though I couldn't see him I was positive he was smiling then. "Text me all your information and I'll have the ticket sent within an hour. A driver will pick you up too."

"Thanks," I sighed in relief. I'd been terrified that I'd waited too long and Mathias wouldn't want to help me. "I'll need someone to pick me up when I get there too."

"I'll take care of it," he assured me. "Just make sure you get here."

"I can do that," I nodded.

"And Emma?"

"Yes?" I questioned hesitantly.

"If you break his heart again I won't be quite as nice."


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