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The ride to Nadir's house was short, but not silent. In fact it was anything but silent.

Erik talked the whole time.

The whole time.

I wouldn't even get a chance to agree with him verbally before he would move on to another subject. All I could do was nod.

And believe me. A person can only nod so much.

I wouldn't just be seeing Nadir for a 'sprained wing', I would be seeing him for a sprained neck.

"Here we are, Angel." Erik said as he pulled into a mansion of a house. My jaw dropped upon seeing it.

A small musical chuckle pulled me from my thoughts. "If you think his house is big, my Angel. You wouldn't believe the size of mine." Erik said as he unbuckled his seatbelt and reached over to unbuckle mine.

"It's beautiful." I breathed as I gazed at the three story house. "He must have a big family."

"He doesn't." Erik responded immediately before climbing out of the car. I tried to follow in suit but I found my door locked.

Did he put the child lock on?

Erik jogged over to my side and opened the door. I climbed out and glanced at the side.

Yep. He had child locked me in the car.

Great second impression, Erik.

He took my wrist once more and tugged me to the steps leading to the door. Once we climbed them he rang the doorbell once.

Not even 15 seconds later - Erik rang it again.

25 seconds later - rang once more

30 seconds later - he rang again

I learnt very quick that Erik is an impatient man.

He was about to reach for it again, but I stopped him. "Erik," I said as I placed my free hand on his arm. "Nadir could be on the second or third floor. Give him a few minutes. He'll be here soon."

Erik nodded like I scolded him and put his head down. "Yes, Angel."

I sighed softly. I didn't want that reaction from him.

I looked down and gently pulled my arm up - making him now holding my hand. Not my wrist.

I gave his hand a squeeze and looked up at him with a small smile.

His face immediately brightened and he squeezed my hand back, but that not all what he did.

He looped his arm around my shoulders, still holding my hand and pulled me to him.

I didn't want that reaction either!

I didn't say anything though. I just waited for Nadir to open the door.

And he did.

"Sorry abo-" Nadir said upon opening the door.  The words froze on his lips when he saw us.

"It's fine, Khan." Erik said as he stepped inside, pulling me with him. "I need you to fix my Angel's wing." He said as he began walking down the hall like he owned the place, not even looking back.

I, though, turned my head and saw Nadir still standing there - holding onto the doorknob, just looking as stunned as he could be.

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