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I looked up and my eyes widen.

Erik was up in the tree. Just sitting there, his back relaxing against the trunk. I noticed that he had changed his mask as well, from a complete black one to now solid white. Why do you wear it? His attire was different as well, when I had seen him at the grocery store he was wearing a nice dark suit. Now he was clothed in dark jeans, and a dark blue button-down long sleeve shirt with the top button left undone. Even though he was the one wearing a mask, I was the one who felt out of place with my torn at the knees, faded, and stained jeans along with a gray sweatshirt that probably looked like - and probably smelled like - it needed to be washed yesterday. Don't judge, it's laundry day. 

"How in the world did you get up there?" I asked as I ended the call and put my phone in my pocket.

"I climbed." Erik said simply with a small shrug. "I'm glad you came, Angel." He said softly as he sat up and straightened his back.

"Me too." I said after a short pause. I looked up at him, "Why don't you come down here so we can talk? Or take a walk?"

Erik shook his head. "Come up here, Angel! It'll be easy for you. Just fly up here!" He said with a huge grin.

"I....umm...." I looked away thinking for a moment. "I......"

"You can't fly?" Erik asked softly.

I looked up and shook my head. "No, Erik. I can't."

"Why not?"

"I-I...I hurt one of my wings." I said quickly. It was the first thing that came to my mind.

Erik gasped loudly and in an instant he was right in front of me. "Are you alright? Are you in pain? How did this happen, Angel?" He asked as he reached forward and held me by my shoulders.

Phantom, who had been grazing to the right of me, looked up just as soon as Erik touched me and nickered. He was asking if I was alright.

Which I was.

I nodded and smiled softly at him before turning my attention back to Erik. "I'm quiet alright, Erik. It's just a small sprang." Could Angels sprang their wings? "It's nearly healed."

Erik shook his head instantly. "We need to get you to a doctor."

That's when I shook my head instantly. "No, Erik. I don't need a doc-"

He cut me off. "My Angel is hurt and I'm going to help her."

I sighed. "Aright, Erik."

I was given a firm nod as he took my wrist in his hand and began leading me towards the parking lot.

Phantom immediately started following us, before he stopped right in front of us.

Erik was about to say something before I beat him to it. "He doesn't know what's going on." I told him. "He's just being protective."

Erik nodded before looking at Phantom. "I am taking her to the doctor. She is safe with me."

If a horse could look unconvinced, then Phantom looked unconvinced.

I sighed softly. "Phantom, it's alright." I said as I moved from Erik and walked up to him. "Erik's going to take care of me." He neighed softly in response.

I patted his head and kissed his nose. "Go home, boy. I'll see you there in a bit."

He neighed once more before trotting off.

Once he left, Erik took my wrist again and continued walking. "He's a very smart horse."

I nodded. "Yep. He is." I looked up at Erik, "I'm just wondering, umm, what doctor are you taking me to?"

"Nadir." He said instantly. "He helps me, so I know he'll help you." He said as he looked down at me with a soft smile on his lips.

I couldn't help but smile back. "That's good."

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