9 part 1

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My eyes slowly open as I hear the distinct sound of my doorbell.



I blink a few times and roll over on my side to check the time.



3:48 A.M.



"........now why would somebody be waking me up this early?" I mumble as I stumbled out of bed. "They better be on fire and I'm the only one that can put it out."



"I'm coming! I'm coming!" I called out as I shuffled down the hall. "This better be good." I whispered as I reached for the handle and twisted it.


My eyes widen and any hopes of going back to sleep are blown out the door. "Uhh, hey Erik!" I try to say cheerfully, "how can I help you?" Do you know how hard it is to sound cheerful at 4am?

Erik grins at me and rocks back on his heels before looking at the ground, shyly he says, "Erik was wondering if you would like to go on a picnic with him?"

He's speaking in third person? What type of meds is he on?

"I-I.....ummmmm....." Remember what Nadir said, this is the happiest he's been in years. Twelve more days. "I would love to go-"

"Perfect! Let's be on our way then, Angel." He spoke as he held out his hand for me to take.

I grabbed his hand, but before he could pull me out the door, I pulled him in. "Erik, it's awfully early. The sun isn't even out yet."

"I know that, Angel!" He giggled as he wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

Goodness. Keep yourself out of my bubble.

"We have to leave now so that the sun will be setting when we get to our picnic area." He squeezed he tightly and breathed in the scent of my hair - watermelon for those who are wondering.

Breath. Just breath.

I patted his back a few times and leaned back a little, trying to end the hug. That didn't work.


"Yes, Angel?" He mumbled softly, his voice sounding much more calm that it was when I first opened the door.

"In order for us to leave, I need to change." I looked down at my Wonder Woman onesie, "I don't think this is picnic attire."

"Of course, Angel!" Erik said as he finally let me go. "I'll wait right here."

I nodded my thanks and began walking down the hall when I remembered a special someone. "Erik, could you go out and feed-"

"Already did, Angel!"

Man, he's good.

A baggy t-shirt, jeans, and a not so perfect messy bun later, Erik and I were out the door and into a car.

Before he started the engine, but only after he personally buckled me in, he spoke, "Erik figured you would like to sleep for a little while," he said as he reached into the back seat, "so he packed you a pillow and a blanket."

I smiled softly, before it turned into a yawn. "Thanks, Erik." I said as I grabbed the items and put them to good use. Once I was comfortable, Erik started the car and we were on our way.

The only comment running through my fuzzy and buzzy mind as I dozed back to sleep was - I hope he packed sweet petite pickles.

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