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The things I've learnt in the past fourth months :

Nothing is as it seems/people don't mean what they say sometimes/none of it is real anymore

Giving up is too easy/letting go is too hard/giving in will drive me crazy/but these things do break me apart

Fight/until you bleed/until the bruises open up and you pour salt on them/with your broken limbs and your broken heart/fight until there's nothing left to give/fight because it's worth it

Knives don't cut as deep as blades/the upper part of the arm bleeds and scars less/the lower part of the arm never bleeds but scars more/hide them with make up and long sweaters/they're a part of you never be ashamed/oh but what will people say/is this giving up

Tomorrow will be a new day/forget those scars/forget these people/forget what's fake and what's real/forget your losses/forget your failures/forget these past four months

Start again/fight/start again

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