I am a science student but I will never understand the matters of the heart.

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It is amazing, I think. Absolutely amazing.

I can talk to any boy you tell me to. I can act insane in front of people without being the slightest bit embarrassed. I can sing and dance in front of girls that are too quick to judge. I can go to even the scariest teacher and have a decent conversation with her. If you ask anybody from school, they'll tell you I'm confident. They'll tell you I'm ready and I'm sure and I'm myself -

And I am not ashamed to be myself. I am not ashamed of me.

So why is it(I am a science student, and I will never understand the matters of the heart) - that in front of you, someone I've spent my entire life with, someone I was in the womb with, someone who I'm supposed to call a sister - Why is it that in front of you:

I can't breathe.

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