How does it feel?

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And how it feel to know that she's made new friends and how does it feel to know that the New York apartment dreams you talked to her about everyday have been forgotten and how does it feel to know that she's reading all the books that you told her were great but now she's using new names which taste like venom when you speak them and how it feel to know that you live 6 hours and hundreds of kilometres and thousands of people away from her and how it feel to know that while you're crying in the school bathroom because you saw someone with the same hair and now you can't get her image out of her head and she's already replaced you with a girl of the same name and how it feel when she texts you and asks you how you've been and you want to tell her so many things you want to tell her she means everything to you she made you happy you miss her laugh you miss her hair you miss her eyes but you don't because she sounds so happy and you wouldn't ever want to take that away from her and how does it feel like when she tells you that she's eating pizza and watching a new tv series that you'd recommended and you want to cry because you're not there with her and how it feel like when she's okay without you but you feel like the weight of her loss is crushing your shoulders and breaking your soul.

How does it feel like to be left behind?

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