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Your city/this is your city/you belong to it/it belongs to you/they say New York never sleeps/oh they've never been to Lahore/your city/is broken/is in pain/has been in pain/fight for it/fight for it/your city/die for it

Your home is broken/this country is broken/too much pain/too much time/we messed up/we screwed up/we broke apart/but we'll get back up/this pain never ends/but we'll live with it/we always have/we always will/we're the most resilient ones/we can get through this

History/so much history/fallen empires/invaders through mountains/love that lived through the ages/it's all here/they say we're terrorists/they say there's a war/they say things are bad/but you were made from this blood/from this soil/you know better/this dust contains eons/this dust is pure/this dust is kind/this dust is us

People/brown skin/brown eyes/plain/simple/two languages/long history/short words/it's in our blood/it's in our soul

Two languages/one we speak/the other we feel/I write in English/feel in Urdu/because English words will never suffice/never be enough/the heart speaks in what it was taught/through the ages/through the times/through this blood

Thank you/for hurting/for struggling/for never giving up/for this country/that let you down/I read all that poetry/about lovers making sacrifices/and how it kills them/kills them/kills them/and you all did too/but you never shed a tear/you never asked for anything back/you created this world for us/and you saw it break apart/and you held onto it with bruised fingers/so it may never break/and it will never will/we were made to last/even if we we will/we fall with pride


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