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He is my spirituality.


My English teacher said this about her fiance in class once and I couldn't get it out of my head. So a couple of days back I went up to her and asked her what she had meant by it.

She smiled at me and said, "I used to be a very religious person. I used to have pray 5 times a day, I used to have a special connection with God that never wavered. But along the path of life, something changed. I felt like that connection broke. I stopped praying, I stopped having the same faith in God as I used to. But when he came into my life, it came back. Everything came back. The connection I had lost, the faith I had  forgotten - it was like being reborn. I love him like religion. He is my spirituality."

And I found that really, really beautiful.

Also, I just wanted to thank each and every one of you for reading this mess of a book. It means the world to me. * huggles *


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