Kiss The Girl!!!

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"Leo- ow- Leo! You're squishing me!" Piper exclaimed silently, annoyed.
"Everyone is squishing everyone." Leo responded, still staring at the new demigod Chiron had found.
Seven demigods, Leo, Piper, Annabeth, Jason, Hazel, Nico, and Frank were all hiding behind a bush, a very small one, at that, spying at the newest half-blood Chiron had found. He would have dismissed her as any other demigod, but he sensed something different, more powerful about her, and suggested that seven demigods should go to find her, because if they needed to fight, it would most definitely be something big.

The new demigod's name was (Y/N), they didn't have a record for a last name. Both her parents were gone, and she was living in foster homes. From what Chiron knew, she had ran away from every single one of them. Every single town she was sent to, however, she would always sign up to work at the daycare. Faking her foster parent's signatures on the permission papers to work there, walking there herself every morning no matter how far it was.
Either she really loved kids and working with them, or she was a pedophile in disguise. Everyone hoped it was option number one.

This time, she was working at 'Anna and Amelia's Daycare for Orphaned Children'. She was sitting on the grass with a girl, about five, with long black hair and big, curious green eyes. Jason had heard (Y/N) call the girl Grezia a few times, so he guessed that was the kid's name. They were playing a simple game of rock paper scissors.
After a few games, Grezia stopped. "Do you know when my mommy and dad will be back?" She asked.
Jason's heart sank, and judging from (Y/N)'s expression, it had affected her ten times worse.
"Well..." She started, her voice strained.

She didn't get to finish. One of the directors, her nametag said 'Anna' walked up to (Y/N), stepping in between her and Grezia.
"Um, hey, boss." (Y/N) stood up, unsure.
Jason mentally cursed. This Anna person was the monster for sure. They had to step in now, before any kids got hurt. Judging from his friend's expressions, they were thinking the same thing. Jason reached into his pocket and grabbed his gold coin.

Sure enough, Anna made a hissing sound, making (Y/N) take a step back. "Hey, you okay?"
Anna's skin began to peel off, and Jason watched in horror as she took the form of a fury. Seriously. Out of everything, it HAD to be a fury. Grezia raced towards (Y/N) and wrapped her arms around her waist, burying her face in the fabric of her batman hoodie.
"(Y/N), I'm scared"

(Y/N)'s look of fear instantly turned into one of bravery. Not confidence, but bravery.
"What the hell are you?" She spat at the fury. She tried her best to sound tough, but her voice quavered.
The fury let out something that Jason guessed was a giggle.
"Cute little demigod, trying to be brave for her little friend."
(Y/N) seemed to hold Grezia tighter, not breaking eye contact with the creature, though the fear in her eyes was obvious.

"Maybe we should go help now" Leo whispered to Jason.
"Good call." He whispered back.
"HEY, EGGHEAD!" Leo stood up and yelled at the fury. Everyone, including (Y/N), the fury, and Grezia turned to look at him.
"That was a terrible insult." Piper said to him.
Leo grimaced. "I know."
Then, they all charged.

They all jumped out from the bush at once, all with their weapons drawn. Annabeth struck first, slipping underneath the fury and slashing its back with her dagger. The fury hissed in shock and pain, giving Jason enough time to throw his spear at it. The fury immediately disappeared into a cloud of dust.

-Your POV now-

You stared at your rescuers wide eyed. Then started with a million questions.
One of them, a boy about your age, with curly brown hair and big, excited brown eyes stepped forward.
"I'm Leo Valdez. That was a fury. We're here to take you to Camp Half-blood. The real Anna is probably dead. Yes, we are superheroes. Demigod means the spawn of a mortal and a god."
"Did you just say spawn?"
A girl with choppy brown hair spoke up. "Yes, yes he did. Hi. I'm Piper Mclean."
"Like, daughter of Tristan Mclean?"
She grimaced. "Yes."
You nodded. Tristan didn't interest you all that much. He was just another celebrity that you didn't give a flip about. You only knew about him because he was all any of your foster sisters talked about.
Piper gestured to a blonde girl. "That's Annabeth."
She gestured to a girl with dark, frizzy hair. "Hazel."
To a boy with black hair covering one side of his very pale face. "Nico."
To a boy who had the most amazing baby face you had ever seen. He seriously looked like a toddler had taken steroids and joined the marines. "Frank."
To a boy with blonde hair, who you found mildly cute, but not interesting. "Jason."

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