- chapter 1 -

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        "You shouldn't have to marry one of the most evil men in our entire country just to help mother." Nepeta glanced at her sister in the mirror. Muelin bounced forward a tiny bit as Nepeta yanked the strings of her corset together.

        "You are a mere 16, Nep. You have yet to come across the struggles of finance." The two sisters giggled quietly together as Nepeta tied the strings into a neat bow. She plucked the dress from the bed and held it in front of her, doing a spin. Smiling at her sister, she handed it over to her. Nepeta still couldn't not believe that Meulin was actually doing this. As Muelin stepped into the dress in front of her, Nepeta prayed to any god that was listening that her sister would not win and marry the king. She was dependent on her. Her life revolved around being with her sister and taking care of her mother. A life without her sister was unimaginable. I mean, what would she do without her sister? How would she prepare dinner without her, and how could she tend the garden all by herself? Oh, this is too much for a young lady to handle.

Nepeta, be the stuttering royal boy.

This is Eridan Ampora, the third descendant of the Ampora kingdom. His body is littered with different kinds of jewels and gold chains. A silk purple cape flows from his shoulders, embroidered with gold thread. Purple is one of the most hardest dyes to achieve, and only people of royalty are to wear it. Eridan scanned through the farmers market with his basket hanging from his forearm. Unlike the Makaras, people were not scared of the Amporas as much as the Makaras. People still bowed their heads before Eridan, but they did not quiver with fear. Eridan loved shopping around the farmers market. He loved to experience what peasants experience. Eridan was an overall accepting person, unlike his father. His father hated the fact that Eridan had any interest in peasant life what so ever. Sometimes, he would bring back quilts from the farmers market and his father would stare at him in disgust. Eridan didn't see the big deal. They were humans too, just a bit less wealthy. He found it so unfair that there was such a separation.

        Eridan ran his fingers over a fur blanket, seems to be made from rabbit fur or something of the likes. "My father taught me how to thew fur blankets when I was very young." Eridan looked up at the sound of a small voice, and came face to face with a boy. He was fairly lanky, with an almost sunken in face. His skin glowed slightly in the sunlight. Eridan took a sharp intake when he looked at his eyes, only to see that they were two different colors. One blue, and one... Red? No. It couldn't be. It had to have been brown or something, but... It was very strikingly red. The boy spoke with a lisp, and gave a small smile to Eridan.

        "...Did he n-now?" Eridan spoke. He continued to almost marvel over what a work of art this human was. How could mankind creating something that was so oddly... beautiful? "Yeth! He taught me a lot of thingth to keep our store running."

        "W-What is your fathers name?" Eridan almost choked out. He always fumbled and stuttered with his words, but never this much. "Thionic Captor! He ith off with the militia." The boy gave him a slight nod and moved a couple of blanket back into place. "And w-what is your name, boy?" The royal boy questioned. Though, this boy didn't make him feel oh so royal. This boy made him feel.. fluttery. Nervous, even. "Thollux Captor. I live in thith village with my brother." Eridan felt a pang in his chest. No guardian to take care of the two? Poor boys.

        "W-Well.. I love this blanket." Eridan fished (haha) into his pocket and pulled out a couple of coins. He laid them in Solluxs hand and grinned at him. He picked up the blanket and carefully placed it inside of his basket. "Thank you! I hope to thee you again." Sollux gave him a grin, and slipped the coins into his pocket. Eridans stomach did back-flips as he walked away, going over the whole event in his head over and over again. He could not wait to tell Cronus.

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