"Open the door!" he called, and I quickly yanked at the door handle, shoving it open and tripping onto the road when I tried to step out.

I heard the man above me scoff and scrambled back to my feet, leaning against the side of the door, "I'm sorry we're in your territory, we won't be here long, we're just passing through, I promise."

"Save it," was the quick response, and the brunette pressed the barrel of his gun against my forehead, "It doesn't really matter to me if you're just passing through, kid, you're a threat to my group, so you're going in the ground," he shrugged, not looking all that guilty.

"Great," I panted, and he scoffed.

"Choice two would be leaving you to rot. You look half dead already."

"Did you ever think there was a reason for that you piece of crap?" I snarled, and he pressed the gun harder against my head.

"Save it."


I jumped, and the brunette groaned, pulling the gun away from my head, "Now what?!" he snapped, turning, and I looked over to see a familiar man with blonde hair storming forward, stowing a handgun into a holster on his thigh.

"Of fucking course," he snarled, shoving the brunette aside when he got close enough, "Put it away, Beck."

"Carina," I sighed in relief, slumping back, "I never thought I'd be happy to see you."

"That makes one of us," he mumbled, pushing the man back a few more steps, "The hell are you doing here?"

"You know this kid?" Beck asked, pointing at me with his gun, and Carina rolled his eyes.

"Yea, he's part of the Vidroh."

Beck dropped his head back and lowered his gun, "Ah, fuck me."

"Again, what are you doing here?" Carina asked, and I shook my head, leaning heavily against the car, not really giving the other two men standing near Carina a second glance as I replied.

"Con Rồng," I said simply, pointing back at Demi, "Fer-de-Lance attacked the base, grabbed me and Demi, and left. We got away from them only to get recaptured by the Con Rồng. We barely got out alive."

"You are barely alive," Carina scoffed, "What did they do to you?"

"Can we stop with the third degree?" I begged, "Just let us pass, we won't bother you, seriously. I need to get Demi home."

"You can't even stand," Carina pointed out, sounding almost amused, and I shook my head furiously to disagree.

"I-I'm fine."

"Yea, right," Carina sighed again and rubbed a hand over his face, "Cass would hate me if I let you two die, so...," he turned, looking over his shoulder towards the tall blonde standing beside the man he called Beck, "They're friends."

"Well that's certainly a new one," the tall blonde stated, folding his arms over his chest, "I didn't even know you had friends."

"Yea bite me," Carina muttered, "He's a friend of an acquaintance, that informant from the rebellion."

"Ah, of course," he put a hand on Carina's shoulder and eased him a little to the side so he could step closer, offering me a smile, though I couldn't see clear enough to name his eye color. All I could tell was he had blonde hair like Carina.

"You look like hell," he noted, and I scoffed.

"Screw off, sasquatch."

Carina snorted loudly, covering his mouth with the back of his hand to hide the laughter, and the taller man turned to cast him a steady glare before looking back at me, "Wow, you actually made my brother laugh."

Toy Soldier {ManxManxMan}Where stories live. Discover now