Chapter 1: Awakening

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"So tell us what happened, in as much detail as possible please, take your time." They ordered in their cautious but strong voice, which was somehow caring as well.

I opened my eyes, they ached from all the tears that had been coming out for the past few days, but I was ready. I was ready to tell them. Here I go.

So I opened my mouth, and spoke in a clear but broken voice.


It was a chilly December's morning, I was about to start walking to school. I grabbed my fluffy woollen gloves, chose a song, popped in my earphones and walked outside. As soon as I stepped outside the apartment's doors I slid on my gloves, tied my scarf around my neck and, in my head,  pretended to be the fourth Doctor fighting Slitheen's and Daleks.

I would consider myself a bit of a nerd. I enjoy playing video games, especially ones to do with space, TV shows to do with space and I loved doing astronomy in Science, I was especially good at it and have always been interested in going to space. Earth would sure look beautiful I bet, from out there everything would. If I wasn't dreaming about space, I was eating, sleeping or obsessing over Greek/Roman mythology and apocalyptic themes. I love the thought of being a complete badass while at the same time showing extreme care, or being a demigod and having powers while at the same time being a complete normal person!

I continued walking along my route to school. I saw my friend Jess in the distance. I started to run but I am extremely unfit, I do barely any exercise and i don't exactly have a great diet. I'm a bit overweight, but not so much that I am considered obese. Nevertheless, I am still very self conscious about it. I stop running, cough, and shout her name. She turns around swiftly and waits for me to catch up, which I am very grateful for. We continue to school constantly complaining about how cold it is and bickering about guys.

Jess is a short, stubby girl with a passion for anger. She hates almost everyone in our area and is completely addicted to heavy metal...which scares me sometimes. She has black hair and she says it 'represents her soul'. She is almost always well dressed with perfect make-up coating her adorable face; however, she isn't the sharpest knife in the kitchen, if you understand what I mean. She doesn't understand a lot of things, but she has been through a lot so i don't really blame her for not being too bothered by education. I care deeply for her as she is like my big sister, we have really gotten to know each other through the last couple years and she trusts me with almost everything, which is fair. I've changed a lot because of her too. I know see people as more than just that, they have their own stories and experiences and I try to respect that.

We walk along one of the busiest roads in the area but on the other side of our path is a sublime forest, the morning sun breaks through the towering trees, flowing into the mist. Sounds of little animals can be heard from the loud road, which makes it even more supreme as nature is overpowering man's creation. I loved nature, it made me think. Not about sci-fi or the non-existent apocalypse, it just made me think about all the good parts of me. It was good. Jess called my name and I zoned back in. We crossed the road and walked through the alley which my school is the other side of. Students were piling in, one after another. We went in and considering she is one year above me we said our goodbyes as she waited for her friends in her year.

I went towards the cafeteria where me and my closest friend, Lizzy, met every morning. You would think we are complete polar opposites if you saw us. I'm very tall and she well, tiny, she is so quiet whereas I'm probably one of the loudest in the class, she also lacks in confidence, and on the other hand, I have a lot of confidence, but as you get to know us, we are so similar. We both have the same sense of humour, a similar music taste, a love for the French language, a hate for drama (and a secret love for it/karma too) She is blonde and loves the colour purple to bits, almost half her clothes and accessories are purple. She is the funniest person I know, for sure. I literally piss myself laughing every time I'm with her.

I only have about five other friends. There is Cara who is the prettiest and loveliest person you will talk to, she has such an innocent soul and we can just tell each other anything and we know we can trust each other to not tell anyone else. John and Albie are my only two male friends, John is a trans female to male who came out last year and has a huge crush on Albie, he plays for our football team and swims for our swimming team. Albie has a huge crush on John and I'm the only one he told. They both have auburn hair, except John's frizzes up and Albie's just grows down.

Vivienne is a wonderful girl, who is in love with makeup and clothes, she is a stereotypical feminine girl and we love her for it. Lastly but not least is Xandi, she is the opposite of Vivienne and is bisexual, she is dating a girl from Southampton right now who used to live up here in Surrey and went to my primary school. Her name is Madalyn and I'm going to be honest...Xan (What we call her) could do so much better. Madelyn is a bit of a slut and I'm pretty sure has cheated on Xandi multiple times.

The bell sounded, stating it was time for form. I quickly walked along, hoping to get there as soon as I could; form time was great! We just sat, spoke to friends and watched Newsround for half an hour; Sir was actually the kindest teacher you could ever have. He was so accepting and I loved him for that. Unfortunately, no one from my friend group was in my form...but I dealt with that. I made a few friends. James and Hanna were the most significant one, James was extremely hot, and constantly flirted with me yet was straight. Hanna was very funny and really helped me get my shit together before lessons in the morning.


The first two lessons I had; Drama and French were my favourite...mostly because I was passionate about them. The third and fourth; Maths and Physics I was bored to death in as I didn't see them being much use in my future, as long as I have the basics and a varied understanding I don't get why I need to know the nine circle theorems or why energy is held in an elastic band without transferring. It really didn't bother me at all.

I was walking towards the cafeteria as it was now lunch, when out of nowhere two long alarms sounded, followed by a sudden, shorter alarm. Confused, I stopped walking and looked around; every other student seemed to be doing the same. I caught a glimpse or Xandi and jogged over to her. 'What the hell is happening' she whispered, I shook my head, still dazed. The teachers suddenly rushed out of the main block, rushing everyone out of the school, informing us all to head home immediately. I was shaking; scared...I didn't understand what was happening at all. You could sense the fear on all of us. This wasn't such a great day as I thought it would be.


Authors note; Hey, little note from me. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, I LIED muahahaha! I've decided to post the first chapter to see how much hype there actually is xD Anyways, I hope you now have a lovely day and you're looking forward to the next chapter :) I'm actually loving writing this and I have so much planned for the plot! I cannot wait for you all to read it. 

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