Chapter 5: Boxed Lunch

Start from the beginning

Before he realised it, Kagami had forced opened Kuroko's mouth, and the piece of meat had reached its destination. And this time, Ayari shoved in two pieces. He muffled a surprised sound as Kagami made him chew.

"Ayari-san! Feed me too!" Iwazaki said, opening his mouth. For some reason, thinking of seeing Ayari feed Iwazaki made him really uncomfortable. But he didn't say anything.

"Nah, you don't need it, unlike him!" Ayari said, force feeding Kuroko yet another piece.

"Aw...," Iwazaki pouted.

"Idiot, if she says that, that means you're strong, unlike Kuroko here," Kagami laughed.

Even so, Kuroko could see something weird with her arm as she forced feed another piece. It was sort of trembling a little.

The new plate of Set A arrived, and Ayari beamed as she picked up another piece of food. "Say 'Ah', Kuroko-senpai."

Yup, she is totally enjoying this, the whole Seirin team thought.


Somehow, Kuroko managed to finish eating everything he was fed. Ayari was smiling as he finished the last piece, with much difficulty.

"See? That wasn't so bad right?" she asked.

"For you it wasn't," Kuroko said, feeling a little sick.

"Hehe, if you want to get stronger, that's one way to do it!" she smiled.

"I haven't been fed by anyone else for years," he said.

"Aw... Ayari-san didn't feed me," Iwazaki pouted.

"I told you, it's because you don't need it, baka," Ayari said.

"Alright, let's get going," Riko said, since everyone had finished eating.


They had taken the bus back, and everyone had gotten off at their respective stops. Only Kuroko and Ayari were left on the bus. Ayari changed her seat to next to Kuroko after Kagami had gotten off.

Ayari had her headphones on, with one ear open, while Kuroko was reading a book. It was dark outside already, but they still had a few stops before they reached their destination. Surprisingly, both their stops were the same.

"Ayari-chan," Kuroko broke the silence between them.

"Huh? Yes Kuroko-senpai?" Ayari asked.

"What's wrong with your arm?" he asked out of the blue.

She looked at him in surprise. I thought I kept it hidden! She thought. He found out again!

"Nothing, what are you talking about Kuroko-senpai?" she asked, looking away. But Kuroko was not going to let up on the subject. He took her right arm. "Kuroko-senpai! What are you-."

He rolled up the sleeve of the jacket that she's been wearing for the whole day, and he stared at what he saw on upper part of her arm. It was bandaged up tightly.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Um, I accidentally hurt myself when I was looking for something," she said hesitantly. The truth was, she had cut herself along a piece of rock jutting out a wall when she was running from a group of thugs a few days ago, but like hell she was going to tell him that.

Yes, she is associated with thugs. Not that it mattered right now.

He looked at her, and he definitely did not believe her, but he kept it hidden. All he said was, "Be more careful next time."

The New Manager (KnB fanfic - Kuroko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now