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The streets were quiet, the streetlamps illuminating the still atmosphere in a yellowish, hazy glow. Privet Drive was always this empty and peaceful at night; a quiet neighborhood for regular, normal people to live in.

Out of the woods, an elderly man dressed in robes walked out, taking a peculiar and metallic object out of his pocket, collecting the light that the streetlamps gave off. A cat meowed, and the man looked down to see a silver tabby. "I should have known that you would be here, Professor McGonagall."

The cat shifted, turning into a woman wearing robes similar to the man's. "Good evening, Professor Dumbledore. Are the rumors true, Albus?" she asked, turning to walk with him down the street, whispering to each other in hushed tones.

"I'm afraid so, Professor. The good and the bad."

"And... the children?" She asked, eyebrows raised in concern.

"Hagrid is bringing them." Dumbledore replied. "Do you think it's wise? To trust Hagrid with something as important as this?" McGonagall asked worriedly. "Ah Professor, I trust Hagrid with my life." he answered, giving the woman a smile of reassurance.

Tires and an engine could be heard then, the sound none too subtle, and alarmed anyone awake to hear it. Namely, both of the professors. A burly man, with bushy hair and a beard to match, arrived on a flying motorcycle. Slung across his chest was a giant piece of cloth, with a bundle inside. "Professor Dumbledore, Sir. Professor McGonagall." he greeted, taking off his goggles.

"No problems, I trust, Hagrid?" The older man asked, watching as Hagrid dismounted on his bike carefully. "No sir. The lil' tykes fell asleep as soon as we flew over Bristol." the big man chuckled, cradling the giant sling as if he carried precious cargo. "Try not to wake them." he added, carefully pulling out two babies.

He handed the boy to Dumbledore, and the girl to McGonagall. "Albus, do you really think it's safe? Leaving him with these people, I've watched them all day. They're the worst sort of muggles imaginable." she stated, walking up the porch steps with the two men beside her. "They really are-"

"The only family they have left." Albus cut her off, looking down at the boy, then to the little girl. "These children will be famous. There won't be a child in our world that wouldn't know their names."

"Exactly. They're better off growing up away from all of that." Dumbledore sighed, re-swaddling his charge to keep him warm. "Until they're ready." he laid the male child on the doorstep, McGonagall crouching down to set the boy's twin sister beside him. Hagrid started tearing up, sniffling and attempting to ignore what was happening. "Hagrid, it isn't really goodbye." Dumbledore spoke, leaving a note perfectly nestled between the sleeping babes.

"Good luck, Harry and Raven Potter."

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