Chapter 4

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The next morning, the three arrived at a train station. "Blimey, is that the time?!" Hagrid gasped, making Raven look up at him in surprise. "I need to get going. Dumbledore will be wanting to see me... uh, your train leaves in ten minutes. Here are your tickets, and stick to your tickets." Hagrid said, giving the two a piece of paper with the slips. "But Hagrid, there's no such thing as Platform nine and three-quarters... is there?" her brother asked, looking up only to find Hagrid gone.

"For a giant man, he can easily disappear." Raven muttered, staring at her ticket in confusion.

Looking around, Raven waited as Harry asked a man where their station was when she heard it: A woman's voice. "Oh, there are muggles everywhere--"

Raven waved to get Harry's attention, and the two followed the woman and her group. "Platform nine and three-quarters is this way."

Ushering one child to go first, the two watched as one of the older boys disappeared in the brick wall. Then Harry got their attention when two more ran through. "Excuse me. C-could you tell us.. uh, how to.."

"How to get to the platform?" the woman finished, and Harry nodded shyly. "Oh don't worry dear, it's Ron's first time too." the lady chuckled, the ginger boy giving Harry a smile. Raven was invisible again. Great.

"All you have to do is walk into the wall. You can go with a bit of a run if you're nervous."

Harry lined up with Raven, the two having little to no space between the carts, before making a dash through the wall. The train was beautiful, and Raven practically dragged her brother onto the train after their things and pets made it on safely. "It's so nice in here, Harry~" Raven cooed, staring out the window.

"E-excuse me." a voice broke the silence, and the twins turned their heads to see the ginger boy from earlier. "Do you mind? Everywhere else is full." he asked, gesturing to one of the empty spots.

"Not at all." Harry smiled, and the boy sat down while Raven continued to stare out the window. "I'm Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley."

"I'm Harry, and this is my sister Raven."

Raven turned her head, and smiled at the ginger. "Harry, Harry Potter." she added, nodding her head to Harry. It wasn't like he'd fawn over her, anyways. As soon as Harry showed Ron the scar, an older woman came by with the trolley. Raven's eyes lit up, and she looked over to Harry, who held the money for obvious reasons. "Did I mention that you're my favorite sibling~?" she smiled while Ron refused and held up a snack for himself.

Looking between Ron and his sister, he realized he was at an impasse. "We'll take the lot."

Raven squealed with glee at the thought of sweets, and hugged her brother tightly as Harry handed over the money.

As they started eating, Ron and Raven switched places so the boys could split more of the candy with each other. Raven was happy with the chocolate coated peanuts. As Ron started speaking, a girl with frizzy hair walked in. "Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville lost one."

"Oh, are you doing a spell? Let's see it, then."

Raven stared at the rat, silently willing it to turn yellow just to shut the girl up, and rolled her eyes when it didn't. "Are you sure that's a real spell? It's not a very good one, is it?"

This girl just kept getting on Raven's nerves. The girl barged in, sitting herself in front of Harry and pointed her wand towards his face. Raven's hand immediately reached for her own wand, and didn't move. "For example, Oculus Reparo."

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