Chapter 32

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"I didn't mean to blow her up. I just... lost control." Raven pouted, walking down the train car in search of an empty room for the twins and their friends to sit in. "That's bloody brilliant." the ginger boy grinned, earning a look from the other female of their group. The morning was foggy as the train took off, the Hogwarts Express chugging off down the tracks and towards their home for the school year. "Honestly Ron, it isn't funny. Raven's lucky she wasn't expelled."

"I still think it was brilliant." he retorted, Raven's brother opening a door to reveal a three-seater. "You guys go ahead and sit there. I'll squeeze in with Fred and George or something." Raven smiled, walking down towards another open room before her brother could argue. As much as she loved hanging around Harry and the others, she felt smothered by the attention Harry gave her. Ever since they left their aunt and uncle's house, he wouldn't stop hovering over her as if she was a fragile doll. The trio's voices disappeared the further she walked, passing people she knew, heard of, or never saw before. Some were new students, from the anxious looks on their faces. She gave them a small smile as she kept going.

A door opened on her right, revealing the blonde parasite she enjoyed annoying. "Malfoy." she greeted. "Potter." Draco whispered. She could tell he was tired. From what, she didn't know. Then again, she never had an easy night the day before going to Hogwarts. "Why aren't you sitting with your brother?" he asked, shaking her out of her wandering thoughts. Her eyes darted from his grey ones to the others in his room. Or rather, the lack of people that sat in his car. "I wanted a change of scenery. Where's your crew?"

Raven wasn't sure why she wanted to know. Perhaps it was odd every time she didn't see Crabbe and Goyle standing nearby. Or that other girl that seemed to follow Draco like a lost puppy. "They were being loud, so I sent them to go bother some other people." he replied, his response followed by her humming in acknowledgment. the awkward silence that followed was so palpable that even a first year could see it without knowing what was happening. Malfoy broke the silence by clearing his throat. "Well, good luck finding a place to sit, then." he started, stepping back into his room and sitting on the seat next to the window. "If it's alright with you, could I sit here?"

He raised an eyebrow, silently asking for her reason behind the question. "The uh, candy trolley is coming in a few minutes. I don't want the lady to scold me?" her excuse was a lame one, but she would get peace and quiet. "I don't see why I should stop you. I don't own the train." was his answer, and it was enough for the ebony haired girl to put her bag on the top shelf before settling on the seat across from the blonde. She didn't try to speak to him any further, her eyes trailing out the window as the two sat in comfortable silence. Something moved at the corner of her eye, her head moving to look until she saw Jinx looking very... needy.

She watched as the black cat slowly climbed up the seat Malfoy sat on, clearly unaware of the cat. He slunk towards the unsuspecting wizard before pouncing into his lap purring, rubbing against the boy's chest and eliciting a small laugh from the witch. "Jinx, leave the poor boy alone. Even Harry doesn't like it when you do that." she spoke, though her voice betrayed her amusement.

Though the lighthearted feeling escaped her body when the train came to a stop. "Why are we stopping?" she whispered, standing to look out the door. The window across the little walkway revealed a dark and cloudy atmosphere and heavy rain, leaving her body cold and shivering as she sat back down. "Maybe we broke down."

The lights flickered off, making her squeak and jump across the compartment to sit next to Malfoy. "What, are you afraid of the dark, Potter?" he groaned, stuck between his 'enemy' and Raven's cat who laid in his lap without a care in the world. "I'm not afraid of the dark, but weird things tend to happen around me and my brother." she whispered, her breath coming out in small puffs of fog. A crackling sound filled the air, and she turned her head to see frost covering the window. Jinx's fur stood up on the back of his next, and he jumped from Malfoy's lap to stand in front of the door to growl at nothing. The train shook, as if something or someone was getting on, leaving Raven to grab onto Malfoy's sleeve. The air in the cabin grew colder, leaving both of them shivering. "Jinx... c-come here." she whispered, extending an arm out to beckon her cat.

He refused to move from the door, standing guard. The train jolted again, a black hooded figure slowly approaching her door. It's hand raised and the door slowly opened. Her heartbeat accelerated, Malfoy grabbing both of her shoulders and pulling her against his chest. She wasn't sure if he was using her as a shield or if it was his futile attempt to protect her in what little way he could, but she could feel his heart beating as fast as hers. Jinx growled and hissed, trying to scratch at the creature's robe, but the thing paid no mind to the cat's act of bravery. It floated closer, and seemed to inhale. Raven could feel her mind fogging up, her breath slowing down and her consciousness fading. Her throat constricted, her mouth open to gasp for breath. Before she fainted, she heard her name and saw a bright light.

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