Chapter 16: The Plan

Start from the beginning

"So I guess my first question is. . .are you really my mom? " I asked my voice low.

Another sigh escaped her mouth and she ran a hand through her long black hair.

"Yes it's true. I am your mother. You see-" but she was interrupted by a frantic Hazel.

"Cassidy! Cassidy!" she exclaimed as her ghostly figure became visible inside of the room. 

She looked extremely frightened. Her eyes were wide with shock and her whole appearance screamed desperate.

"Hazel! How did you know I was here?" I asked in confusion.

"Well I've sorta been following you around. I just didn't make myself visible so the guards or your mom didn't didn't see me. Anyway that's not the point!" she explained urgently.

"Sweet heavens child speak already!" my apparent mother exclaimed in impatience. Hazel gave her an annoyed look and I could tell she wanted to do something bad. Her eyes met mine and I gave her a look that said 'Control yourself'.

"Your mom well she still has Justin captive and I don't what she's planning on doing but she has Emily too! Emily didn't betray you she was forced! Your mom threatened to kill her mom if she didn't help her and-" 

"Hazel Hazel calm down!" I said stopping her rant.


"Well first of all Carol isn't my birth mom. She is." I pointed to Emily's mom. "And second of all I know Justin and Emily are there. Were trying to figure out how to save them."

"There's something else. I heard her talking to Emily and she asked her to create a love potion for her." Hazel explained.

"What does she need a love potion for?" I asked.

Hazel shrugged. "I was hoping you would know why." 

"Well this is honestly just great." I replied as I rubbed my head. This was all just too much to take in.

"So what's the rescue plan?" Hazel questioned clearly ready to kick some ass now that we have some back up. 

"Well first I'd like to show Cassidy how to use her powers since she's half witch too." Mom said. It still felt weird to call her mom. Although she was my birth mom she was still Emily's mom to me.

"So what am I?" I asked.

"Well your still a hybrid of course. Your just a rare one. Your half witch, half werewolf." Mom explained.

"Well how come Emily and Whyatt aren't hybrids?" This was all too confusing.

"Well they weren't bitten as a child. They grew up as normal witches. You were a witch but just ddin't know it and then on top of that yoou were bitten by a werewolf." she explained again.

So I was the one blessed with the fucked up childhood. Lovely isn't it?


"Come along dear. The faster I teach you the basics the faster we can go save your sister and . . .  .boyfriend." Mom said. When she said boyfriend I could sense a feeling of dislike. It was safe to say she didn't like Justin which I found stupid since she didn't even know him. Whatever.


"Ugh! Magic is so stupid!" I shouted in annoyance. So far my magic training wasn't going very well. I was able to learn a few things but some things were harder than others. Magic is fucking retarded that's all I have to say.

"Cassidy calm down you'll get it soon. Now try again. Remember just close your eyes and breathe." My mother soothed. I did as told and closed my eyes, breathing in and out. "Good now try again and this time try not to hit me."

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