You're My #1

69 1 2


Notice: There is more cute in this chapter than steamy hotness. LOL

Thank's for your time ;)


Ryan's POV:

Ahhh, good morning! I feel so... relaxed..? No, that's not the word... happy? No... hmmm... BACON?!?! Was that bacon I smelled?

"Sarah?" I asked.

No answer. Was Sarah cooking breakfast? Fuck.Me. I have the best girlfriend in the world.

I jumped out of bed and put on some new boxers. I looked for my shirt that I wore last night, but it wasn't there. Oh well.

I half ran down the stairs, letting my nose lead the way. I entered the kitchen and saw her.

"Goodmorning, super sexy girlfriend"

"Goodmorning, super sexy boyfriend"

I heard her giggle. Damn, why did that giggle make me want to kiss her? I was so in trouble with this chick.

I looked at my babe from head to toe. Wait.. was she wearing my t-shirt? Hotness on a new level.

"I like your shirt" I said.

"Oh, thanks, it's a Ryan H. original" she said winking at me.

"It shows off your rack... erhm... you look beautiful, honny."

"HAHAHA, oh, Ry. My rack appreciates the compliment. So do I. No need to hide it." she said as she wrapped her arms slowly around my neck. She kissed me various times, but with a soft sort of way. She makes me go crazy, even with the tiniest things.

FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP.... going mentally insaneee.

"So... what you want to have for breakfast?" she whispered in my ear.

"You" Hey, it was an honest answer.

She giggled again, which drove me even more nuts about her. She nodded her head.

"You know what I want? My boyfriend, and I'm starving"

"well then, lets go eat on the couch."

I pulled her along with me, then laid on the couch. She sat on my stomach, but I didn't mind because of how light she was. She was like a feather, one that could be blown away easily. 

She jumped and landed hard on my stomach. I grunted, but laughed after seeing the look on her face.

"It didnt hurt, dont worry"

"Oh, good. I thought i landed on your crotch or something"

"Haha, no, good thing you didnt. I would like to have children someday"

She laughed. I loved the way her laugh echoed in my ears. Her voice sounds like a million little bells tingling and making a joyful noise. 

Suddenly, that cute girl on my stomach wasn't there anymore. Now there was a hot ass sexy chick that scared the fuck out of me, well in a good way. 

Sarah was staring at me with her delicious face on, kind of the w ay she would stare at a cupcake. I knew I was in for a treat. You could tell her mouth was watering for a kiss, heck, so was mine. I don't know why she turns me on like that.

In a flash, I sat up and started kissing her like an animal. My hands were down her back, and her's in my hair, tugging. She ran her hands down my sides, then slid them up to my chest. Her hands were cold, but I didn't care. She started to slide her hands all over my chest, and i was starting to push her down on her back. 

Next thing you know, we were both panting and looking at each other like vicious animals. This is what I loved about her, we could be so cutesy and cuddley one second, and then the next two people so fucking crazy in love that they dont realize that theyre eating each other alive. 

She started bursting out in laughter. 

"That was... so much fun"

"ha, yeah. It was. Can we do it again?"

"Well of course. I love making out with hot dudes"

"I'm glad you think of me as a hotty, but clearly, you're much more good-looking than me."


"No, i'm serious. You are the hottest girl in the whole school... country... world... yeah no, just kidding, that's Alexis Bledel"

"Hahaha, I know. She's been your celebrity crush since the third grade."

"Yeah, and you know why I like her so much?"


"She looks just like you. But you know what? She's now number two on my hot list, because what I find most attractive is a girl that has some soul and personality. Someone that has a life, and that has real friends that love her. I know that you are probably a much better person than Alexis could ever be. You have no competition, and even if you did, you wouldn't have to try hard to catch my attention."

 She looked at me with wide eyes. I saw her crystal blue eyes shine even more, now that there was a glassy layer covering them. There was one tear that trickled down her cheek. She slowly started to smile, and made my heart melt once again for her.

"I... Ryan, I.... You... You are the best damn boyfriend in the whole damn world!" She said as she launched herslef into my arms. "I love you sooo much. I love the way you make me feel like the best girl on Earth, I love it when you say sweet things like that. It reminds me why I'm so crazy about you."

"Haha, well I'm glad. And everything I said was true. You have no competition; you're the most gorgeous girl on the face of the Earth."

"Awwhh, don't make me cry, it'll ruin my mascara"

"Oh, don't worry about your makeup. You don't need any anyways."

"Ok, Ryan stop. I don't like crying infront of you. Makes me feel a bit weaker"

I sueezed her tighty in my arms and rested my head on hers. I kissed the top of her head and rocket her in my arms.

"It's okay to cry, I won't look if you don't want me to"

Sarah's POV

AWWWWWWWW. I LOVE HIM SO FUCKING MUCH. *dies of how cute that was*

"I love you, Ryan. I love you so much."

"I love you too, I love you soo much that it would take up my whole life of saying i love you straight into heaven. Heck, I'd still be saying it in heaven."

"Well don't go to heaven yet. I want you here with me, so I can be held tight my you. Never let me go."

"I won't."

We just sat there. Me in his arms. We sat there for what seemed like forever, but forever isn't even enough. We pulled away from each other, but found our way back to kiss. This one felt so different. How could there be so much love and affection in one small kiss?

"Soo... may I have some bacon now?"

i laughed, "of course"


He took my hand again and led me back into the kitchen. We sat down and had the scrambled eggs with toast and the bacon I had made earlier this morning. I would love to see myself in the future just like this. Me and him and a big pile of food for breakfast, smiling at each other.

It was a Sunday, and tomorrow we would have to be going back to school. 

................. to be continued ;)

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