Chapter 2 - Chanyeol

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          His eyes gazed out through the glass window that sparkled from the bright sunlight. Blinking softly after a long silent moment of daydreaming, the background chatters and the crisp sound of book pages flipping filled his ears again. Chanyeol looked down at the white, empty sheets of paper in front of him. Not a single dot of ink written.

          Trying to write up an entire essay in two days was harder than he'd expected-- especially when he didn't have a single word on mind to start off with. Taking a glance at his surroundings, students scattered among the work tables and computers, some wandering and searching for books, others scrolling through the net on their phones. He couldn't tell whether it was because the group of girls laughing in the next shelf aisle made it difficult to concentrate, or because he stayed up until 4 AM last night watching a Korean drama. But damn-- you can't just watch one episode in a night.

          "Yo! Chanyeol!" A familiar voice called, running up behind him with tired breaths. Chan perked up at the sudden noise, glancing up as he set his pen down. A grin spreading on his face.

          "Didn't you go home, Kai? Why are you still here?"

          "I was going to, but the Café across the street had a new drink on the menu and I got caught up in it after seeing some other classmates hanging out there. Have you been sitting here for the past three hours?" Kai smiled, running his fingertips through his locks of hair as he sat down across from the other male. "You haven't been working out lately either, you know it'll only make your health worse if you're too focused on school work all the time.".

          "I know that-- just as long as my complexion still looks good, then I'm okay with that." Chanyeol joked, laughing slightly. Grabbing Kai's gray coffee cup from his hand, giving it a quick whiff before taking a sip.  He raised his brows in approval, "This is what everyone has been so hyped up about--? I mean, I'll admit it's really delicious.".

          Kim Jongin, who's nickname was Kai, was a close friend of Chanyeol's who he happened to meet by accident on their first day of high school, second year. He was definitely one to remember the person who'd threw a dodgeball so hard in his face that he had a broken nose for weeks. But they'd gotten along easily after they took a trip to the infirmary together, he was lucky that Kai was just as awkward with self introduction as much as he was, himself.  "You want a cup? Take a break from your work for a bit, I can buy you one, since you did let me have your lunch the other day." Jongin stood again, gesturing Chan to come along with a tilt of his head.

          "Ah.. I guess one break won't hurt." The taller man blinked down once more at his blank pages, regret already starting to fill his stomach as he stood after him. Grabbing his phone before following behind.

The world was gray.

Nothing would change.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2016 ⏰

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